Page 41 of Burn With Me

“Oh, I’m not that good. It’s just something I’ve taught myself, and I want to help Joe and Ann out since they do so much for me,” she says.

“Well, I still wouldn’t mind your help. Just let me know when you have some free time,” I say with a smile.

“Here we go, ladies! The drinks have arrived,” Pam says as she passes them out.

“Thanks!” Abby says. “Let’s toast to the first of, what I hope will be, many girls’ nights. Oh, and the fact that I might be buying the diner!”

“I second that!” I say as we clink our glasses, but I pause as I realize what she added at the end. “Wait! What did you say? Are you serious!”

“Holy smokes! That is awesome! Ken is selling? I didn’t hear about that!” Pam says.

“That’s really cool!” Luna says.

“Well, Ken kept making comments about wanting to retire. I thought about it, and I love that place and I have my business degree, so I figured I would talk to him about it. No one knows yet, and it might not happen.” She shrugs.

“No, it’ll happen. I’m putting all the good vibes out there for you!” Pam says.

Luna and I agree with her as we all drink.

“What do you think of your drink, Luna?” Pam asks.

“It’s really good! I can’t even taste any alcohol! What is it?” She takes a big sip.

“Sex on the beach,” Pam says.

We switch topics easily, going from catching each other up on what’s going on personally to all the town gossip we’ve heard over the last couple of days. Three drinks in, Abby looks at me, and I know I won’t be able to avoid the topic anymore.

“Okay, so spill. What really happened at the end of your date with Luke? You can’t tell me you just said good night, and that was the end. I’ve seen the way that man looks at you,” she says.

Pam snickers, and I sigh. “Well, the rescue kitten thing really happened. Then I walked him out as I was also letting Penny out for the last time for the night, and well . . .” I pause and take a deep breath. “We started making out, and then I basically humped his legon my front porch!” I look at the ceiling and take a deep breath as the three of them laugh. “I mean, anyone could have seen, and then he pushed me off and said something like we can’t do this out here, and I wanted to both swoon and be embarrassed at the same time.”

“If it makes you feel better, I’ve never had an orgasm,” Luna pipes up.

I just stare at her because I know she wouldn’t have admitted that without the alcohol she’s been drinking.

“What did you say?!” Pam shrieks.

Abby just stares at her and asks, “Like not at all or like not by someone else?”

“Either?” she admits. “At first it was because I was too busy, ya know, and now I just don’t know how to act around men.”

“Well, we need to change this as soon as possible! I bet Noah would like to help you with that,” Abby says with a knowing smirk.

“Oh, no, I don’t think so. There’s no way someone like him would ever want to be with someone like me,” she says nervously.

“Be with someone like you? Beautiful, smart, and a lot of fun? If he doesn’t see your worth, then he can fuck right off,” I say.

“Thanks, ladies . . .” she says before downing the rest of her drink.

“Well, look who we have here! I wasn’t expecting you all to be here tonight,” someone says, and I groan as I see who’s walking up.

“Hi Brian, can we help you?” Abby says in a dry tone.

“I was just hoping I could buy Amelia a drink,” he says.

I roll my eyes. “Well, for one, I don’t drink, but for two, I’m out with my friends, as you can see. So the answer is no, thank you.”

“Come on, Amelia, just one drink. The girls here won’t miss you,” he says as he tries to sling an arm around me.