Page 40 of Burn With Me

“Ugh, my sister is a shit show when she’s drunk. She always finds a way to get into some sort of trouble, and wherever she is, Am is right behind her,” Sam grumbles as he walks out to the car.

I’m just excited that this turn of events means I can see Am tonight. I quickly lock the door and see that Noah has the same smile on his face. Yeah, tonight is turning into a great night.



Pam and I walk through the doors of The Bar.

“I’m so excited for tonight. We needed this, and I’m happy Luna and Abby are joining us,” she says.

I agree because I tend to be standoffish if I’m not working. Those two just make it easy with how they fit into our little girl squad.

“We should grab that booth over there in the corner because I haven’t seen them yet,” I say as we weave through people.

We slide around the U-shaped table and put in an order for some drinks and some appetizers to share for the table.

“Oh! I see them walking in the door,” Pam says and half stands up, waving her hands over her head.

“Sup, my bitches!” Pam says as they grab their seats.

I smirk and roll my eyes because it seems Pam is ready to party tonight. “Hey, ladies! How are you guys?” I ask.

“Great, now that I’m here!” Abby says.

“Agreed,” Luna says as she sits down.

“I hope you don’t mind, we ordered some food and water for everyone,” I say.

“Perfect! I’m starving! It was so busy at the diner today that by the time I had a chance to eat, it was close to the end of my shift, and I didn’t want to spoil dinner,” Abby says.

Luna just looks around the bar with wide eyes, and I lean over to her. “You good? I know we don’t know each other well yet, but I can tell this is a lot for you.”

“What? Oh yeah, we just didn’t have bars where I grew up, and I was so busy trying to make it after I left that I didn’t get out much . . . or well, ever,” she says, tucking her hair behind her ear.

I pull her in for a half hug. “I know you aren’t ready to talk about it, but I promise you can trust us.”

“I know, I trust you guys more than anyone else in my life besides Joe and Ann,” she says with a soft smile.

“Alright, ladies! What’s your poison tonight?” Pam asks. “Well, Am, I know you’re going to have a Coke, no ice. Abs and Luna, what about you?”

Luna looks at her wide-eyed and says, “Um, I’m not sure. I’ve only ever tried beer, and I don’t really like it.”

Pam doesn’t miss a beat when she says, “Do you not want to drink? Because it’s no big deal if you don’t. Or if you want me to choose, I can order you something to try, and if you don’t like it, then I’ll drink it.”

“I’m good with you picking something for me to try.” She shrugs.

“I got you, my friend. Okay, what about you, Abs?”

“I’ll just have a cranberry and vodka,” she says as she fishes out some cash to hand to Pam.

“I got this round. No worries, ladies,” Pam says as she walks away toward the bar.

“How are your weeks going so far?” I ask.

“It’s been slow since Luke left the bed-and-breakfast, but we’re getting everything ready for the holiday season, so I’m not mad. I started working on their website, making sure it’s up to date,” Luna says.

“That’s awesome! I didn’t know you knew how to make websites! Have you thought about doing that on the side? I wouldn’t mind you taking a look at mine, and I bet some local business would feel the same,” I say.