“Put your money where your mouth is, Grant,” Noah says, far too cocky as he builds his character.
“Whoever loses the most tonight has to get pizza and beer next time,” Sam says.
“Deal,” I say, putting the final touches on my Yoshi.
“Do you know where the ladies went tonight?” Noah asks.
“No, I just knew they were going out. Why?” I ask. “It’s not like they have much to choose from in town.”
“Oh, no reason,” he says.
I look at him out of the corner of my eye as the countdown begins.
“For a cop, you’re a horrible liar, but like Luke said, they don’t have a huge selection. There’s only one bar in town, and I’m pretty sure they went there,” Sam says without taking his eye off the TV.
“I was just wondering. I just want to make sure they’re safe,” Noah replies.
“Do you know something we don’t?” I say as I throw a red shell back at them.
“No, man, I just wondered if you knew and if you knew if Luna was there with them,” he says casually.
“Luna, huh? She’s quiet. Does she even know you?” I say as I try to distract him while also getting some information.
“Can we make a guys’ night rule where we don’t gossip like a bunch of women? Also, fuck you and your fucking red shells, dude,” Sam says.
“What has your panties in a twist? Not getting any in this small town like you were back in Boston?” I say.
“No, I mean I am, but you’re both lovesick, and I’m not trying to catch feelings,” Sam says.
Over the next several rounds, the conversation goes from work to things happening in town the next couple of weeks, and I lose the bet, knowing I’m never going to hear the end of it.
“Take that, motherfucker!” Sam yells as he stands up and struts around like he just won a gold medal.
I stand up and grab the pizza to put the leftovers away. “Whatever, man. I let you win because I feel bad you always lose.”
“I don’t always lose! You cheat!” he yells, then looks at Noah. “He always cheats when we play.”
“He did get an abnormal amount of power-ups,” Noah says with a smirk.
“I don’t cheat! It’s almost impossible to cheat. I just wanted to give Noah here a chance to win his first time playing with us.”
All three of our phones vibrate on the table at the same time, and we all grab for them.
“I swear if we get called in, I’m going to cry as we drive there,” Sam says.
I have to agree with him, but I let a smile take over my face when I see that it’s Amelia.
Amelia: I’m so sorry to bother you during guys’ night . . . but could you maybe come pick us up?
You don’t have to if you’re busy, but we came in two cars, and everyone but me is drunk.
I look at the guys. “Did any of us get called in?”
“I got a text from Pam asking if I could help wrangle the girls since everyone but Am is drunk,” Sam says.
“Same, but Farmer Joe is the one who texted me to give me a heads-up,” Noah says.
“Okay, so we’ll drive in one car and figure it out from there,” I say as Noah grabs his keys.