Page 37 of Burn With Me

“Why hello, ladies. Fancy running into you all here today,” he says with his slimy smirk in place.

“Um, yeah. What can I do for you, Brian?” I say, annoyed, because for being part of the local law enforcement, he’s not only really pushy but the biggest creep I’ve ever met.

“Oh, I was just doing my rounds and was hoping to spend some time with the prettiest woman in Griffin’s Den,” he says and then tries to swing his arm around my shoulder.

I dip down and move quickly so I’m not standing next to him. The move makes him look around, and a vein on his forehead pulses.

“I mean, there are plenty of pretty people in town, Brian. However, like you, we’re all working and will be for the next several hours. Now, is there something you’d like to buy? I’ll store it over here until the end of the market, which is in”—I look down at my watch—“four hours.”

“What about after, Amelia? Would you like to go on that date you promised me?” he says.

“I never promised you a date, Brian, and if that was the impression I gave you, I’m truly sorry, but as I’ve said, I’m not interested in going on a date.”

He stares daggers at me. “You’ll give in one day, Amelia. We’ll be good together once you give us a chance,” he says and stalks away, putting on his classic golden boy smile that has everyone in this town fooled.

“How does no one ever see what a creep he is?” Abby says.

“I don’t know,” Pam replies.

“The bad guys know how to cover up how bad they are . . . Trust me, I know more than anyone,” I say as I turn back to the table to restock it and help customers.

Pam pulls me into a side hug, knowing what I’m thinking about. I hate that I’m letting him bring me down when I was having such a good day.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I grab it, reading the message with a smile.

Luke: Hey, sweetness. How is the market going?

Me: Fine, busy. How’s your day going at work?

Luke: It’s good. Sorry I’m working and can’t help you at the market. Are we still on for tonight?

Ya know, so Ginny doesn’t forget about me . . .

I snort as I read his last message and put my phone down when I realize what time it is. I glance up and see Pam looking at me.

“I like seeing that happy look on your face again. It looks good on you,” she says with a knowing smirk.

I shove her shoulder. “Shut up. It’s time to let Farmer Joe and Ann have their lunch date. Go help them with Abby.”

With a salute, she says, “You got it, boss. Come on, Abs, the boss has spoken.”

She loops her arm through Abby’s, and they walk away.

I turn to look at Luna. “It’s just you and me, my friend . . . Well, and Kristen. You can go grab lunch if you want.”

“I’m good for now. If Kristen is hungry, she’s good to go. Pam is right, you know. I might not be as experienced in the dating world, but in the short time I’ve known you, it’s good to see a genuinely happy smile on your face, and we’ll get all the details about this date that went differently than you told us on Wednesday,” she says as she turns away to let Kristen know she can go to lunch.

I just look at her, stunned.

I’m happy, but I’ll admit that Luke does make me happier than I’ve been in a long time. It’s both amazing and scary, and I don’t know how to handle it.

As I see someone come up to the table, I shake it off and go into business mode. It’s shaping up to be a super busy day, and I don’t have time to dwell on my feelings or how my friends think that I wasn’t happy before. I allow myself to look at my phone one more time before helping the customer and text Luke back.

Me: Yeah, we’re still on. I might be a zombie after the early morning. But we wouldn’t want Ginny to think her father isn’t around

I hit send and put my phone back into my pocket.

As I help the customers and answer questions, I feel Penny come up to my side and stand next to me protectively. I pet her head and scan the farmers’ market when I see movement out of the corner of my eye.