“I do. It took me weeks to try and get anyone to even answer my emails and calls, but I finally did after actually going there and talking to the store manager in person.”
“If anyone can convince them to give local produce a chance, it’s you. You might say you don’t like people, but you sure are good at showing them why our stuff is better than what they’re shipping in from large farms who don’t care about the actual quality of the food they’re selling.”
I feel the blush creep up my neck.
I never would have thought that I would be the one who took on this role, and while he’s right that I’m not a people person, I’ve found that when I’m passionate about the topic, I have no issues becoming that person.
“Thanks, Joe. I’m going to do my best to do our little group proud,” I say.
Patting my shoulder, he says, “You’re doing great, girl. Well, looks like the people are starting to roll in. I better get back and tell Ann about our plans and make sure she has the help that’s needed.”
“Let me know if you need any additional help. I have the girls with me, and I can send one or two of them over so you both don’t have to work so hard. Actually, I’ll send Abby and Pam over before lunchtime so you guys can take lunch and wander around like we both know Ann loves to do,” I say as I look over at the girls.
“Yeah! For sure. In fact, Mr. Joe, I’ll come over in an hour or so to make sure you guys have everything you need and give you guys a quick break before then,” Abby says.
“You’re all good girls. We’ll always gladly accept a little help. Now I can surprise my Ann with a little lunch date today.” He winks before walking back to his area.
“They’re such good people. I just want to put them in my pocket to keep them safe,” Luna says from behind me.
“I know. Joe has wanted to do a multi-county co-op for some time, and when he pitched the idea to me, I knew we could make it happen. The two of us sat down to figure out just how to get it done. I mean, I love our farmers’ market, but could you imagine if the three towns around us put one together? It will be epic, probably one of the best farmers’ markets in the state,” I say as customers trickle into the booth.
“I also want a love like them. You can see how, even after all these years, the love they have is so strong,” Abby admits.
“They have one of those once-in-a-lifetime loves. I can only hope when I’m ready to settle down, I can find that. Speaking of love . . . How is lover boy?” Pam says.
I roll my eyes. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I don’t have a lover boy.”
“I don’t know about that. I saw you guys on your first date, and let me tell you, the chemistry is there,” Abby says with a chuckle.
Abby might be shy, but once you get to know her, she’s not only one of the smartest and most loyal people, but she’ll call you out when needed. Apparently, she thought I needed to be called out today.
“Chemistry doesn’t mean love, Abs,” I say and roll my eyes again.
I might like Luke, and yes, we might have almost had sex on my front porch, but that doesn’t mean we’re in love or even on our way to being in love.
“Ask her how that second date went, ladies,” Pam says, and I turn to give her a death stare. But she just smirks at me while walking up to the next customer, knowing I can’t say what I want to say to her.
“Oh, yes! Please tell us how your second date went!” Luna says excitedly.
This makes me smile. Luna is so reserved, and to see her ask questions about my second date when men, other than Joe, seem to make her nervous, makes me proud of how far she’s come.
I give a brief overview of our date. I mean, they don’t need to know that he actually took an interest in my life and interests, or that he looked at me like I was the only person in the world, or that when he touched me, even just to guide me from hole to hole, he made my body vibrate with anticipation.
“Oh. My. God. A kitten! Why am I just hearing about this now? How precious! He didn’t even blink an eye, did he? He seems like such a go-with-the-flow kind of guy. Wait, that’s it? You got fast food, played mini golf, and found a kitten, and he just dropped you off and left?” Abby asks.
“I mean, what else were they supposed to do after he dropped her off?” Luna asks.
Pam and Abby whip their heads toward her, and it makes me want to laugh, but I don’t want to embarrass Luna because while she hasn’t opened up a ton to us yet, I didn’t realize just how innocent she was until that comment.
Luna looks around and says, “What? Am I missing something? I think that’s a really nice date! At least someone wasn’t there supervising, and she gets to pick who she wants to be with!”
Now it’s my turn to be shocked. “Wait, what the actual fuck? This isn’t the 1800s! Who told you that’s how you date, Luna?”
Her ears turn red as she says, “This isn’t about me . . .”
Pam slides her eyes to me and furrows her brow. “There’s no pressure, but we’re here to support you however we can when you’re ready,” Pam says.
Footsteps from behind the tables interrupt our bonding moment, and I quickly turn around. Seeing Brian, I get the chills, and not the good kind.