As she nods, Dr. Jesse walks back into the room and washes his hands to get started on the shots.
“Alright, let’s get this part done, and by the time we do, we’ll get her spay scheduled for two months from now and her next set of shots for two weeks from now. I’ll also have her deworming medicine at the front desk for you and a good, holistic flea bath for her to have tonight,” he says as he gets down to business.
Twenty minutes later, we’re walking out together, and I reach out to grab her hand. Ginny is heartworm negative, and everything looks good health-wise so far. Amelia paid for the vet bill even though I offered, but she wouldn’t have it.
As I help her load both animals and all the stuff we’re leaving with into her Jeep, I ask, “What do you have planned for the rest of the day?”
“I’m taking the animals into the office with me to finish up the rest of the stuff there and get ready for the deliveries we need to make tomorrow, as well as get ready for the farmers’ market on Sunday. What about you?” she says, hopping in the Jeep but facing me on the seat.
She has all the duplicate items she got last night, and it makes sense now why she insisted on getting doubles of almost everything. “Just heading back to the firehouse. I’m working with the fire investigator on the fires that have been happening in the area the last couple weeks, and then I’m going home. When can I see you again?” I ask, knowing I can’t wait to spend time with her again, any way I can get it.
“Um, maybe Sunday after the farmers’ market? I have a girls’ night on Saturday, and tomorrow will be hectic getting everything ready for Sunday so I don’t have to scramble on Sunday morning.”
“I think I might have heard about this famous girls’ night, but after the farmers’ market, you’re mine for the whole evening,” I say as I lean into the Jeep and kiss her. I move my hand to the back of her neck to hold her to me, and then she groans.
When her tongue slides against mine, all my blood goes to my dick. I know I need to stop this, but she just tastes so damn perfect.
Groaning, I pull away. The things this woman does to me. “Sweetness, if I didn’t have to go back to work, I would try and convince you to play hooky.” I rest my forehead on hers.
“I’ve never played hooky a day in my life, but you might be able to convince me it would be a good idea. But sadly, we have to adult,” she says, her lips swollen from my kisses and her pupils blown, showing she’s just as turned on as I am.
“Face forward.” After she turns to sit properly in the seat, I hand her the seat belt and with one more hard kiss, I shut the door for her. “Text me later, sweetness.”
“Will do, see you later,” she says, and I walk back to my truck, which is parked a couple of spots down.
I wave to her as I open the door and watch her pull away. I go to get in but pause because I have an odd feeling someone is watching me. Looking around the parking lot, I don’t see anything weird, but I take a second to look around again before getting in the truck and heading back to the firehouse to finish out my day.
Looking around, I put the finishing touches on the table, and the pride I feel seeing how far I’ve come is overwhelming. But it doesn’t feel real yet. Not just the farmers’ market I help organize, which has two new vendors this week, but my personal life as well. Part of me wants to sink into this feeling and believe that only good things will happen from here on out, but a little voice in my head is whispering that nothing good ever lasts.
“Do you think she’s broken?” I hear from the side, and a giggle shakes my shoulders.
“No, I’m not broken. Just thinking.”
Pam rolls her eyes. “We were talking about when we were going to reschedule our girls’ night, but you spaced out and didn’t respond when we suggested Wednesday.”
Sometimes I hate how well she knows me. “I didn’t space out. I was just going through my mental checklist since, you know, I have to open the booth soon. I think Wednesday should be fine, though.”
Kristen walks up with the last of the extra produce we brought and sets it along the back of the tent.
Penny is in her spot by the little register section we have set up while Luna, Pam, and Abby are organizing things on the table before we officially open.
It’s nice having more friends around than just Pam. I haven’t had this many friends since before I started dating Leo.
Nope, not going there. He doesn’t get my brain space today.
“Amelia! Are you ready for the market to open?” Farmer Joe says from the side.
“I am. How are things going? How is Ann doing?” They’re good people and always ready to root for people in town, even those who are deemed as competition.
“Good! Good. You need to come by for dinner. It’s been too long, and I promise no work talk,” he says with a laugh.
“I’ll have to double-check my calendar. Maybe after the co-op meeting, we can have a late lunch together?” I say because he’s right, it’s been far too long. But with the two of us trying to get a multi-county co-op set up and getting them set up with our farmers’ market as well, we just haven’t had the time.
“Yes! I’ll double-check with Ann to make sure we don’t have plans, but I’m pretty sure we’re free. Don’t you have a meeting with a couple of the supermarkets in the next town over on Monday?”