Page 135 of Snap Shot

Landon sighs a humid breath past my ear, lips tilting upward into a smile against my jawline. “Good,” he murmurs. “'Cause I missed you.”

I surrender to the embrace, winding my arms around his neck as he nuzzles into mine, speckling kisses onto the quickly spreading goosebumps on my nape.

“My little smartass.”

“You came straight here?”

“I haven't seen you since Friday night. And I didn't get to say a proper goodbye.” His kisses dot the wispy baby hairs on my forehead.

Words escape my brain. Orgasms aside, this man has so much power over me. His ability to wipe negativity and anxiety from my mind with his touch is nothing short of magic.

A pause in those comforting kisses clears the fog. “You smell like sweaty buttcheeks and bad cologne.”

Landon gasps out in horror, bringing the collar of his hoodie to his nose. “Do I?” His nose scrunches, mouth twisting with disgust. “Gross.” He takes two steps back and wrenches the sweatshirt over his head.

“Your teammates stink.”

“You stink, stink.”

“Do not.” The sudden popping of corn in the pot interrupts our pointless argument. “Now stop distracting me.” I shoo him away by motioning to the couch. “You're gonna make me burn the popcorn.”

“The only thing you're burning is this dance floor.”

In one hand's grip, his phone plays a video of me dancing at my parents' house from my last visit. I'd posted it on my sister's account in hopes no one would find it. Or recognize that it's me and not her.

Transient embarrassment flees as quickly as it appears. I shake my hair off my shoulders to feign innocence. “That's Nik.”

“Nice try. I can tell you apart. That's her in the background. It's you up front.” He points at my sister's floating head behind me on the screen and throws me a cheesy, mischievous grin. “You never told me you dance.” His eyes rake down to my hips and back up.

My grasp on the pot handle tightens.

I shoot off a sideways glance. “That's because I don't.”

“This video begs to differ.” He scrolls to another, the Bollywood mashup song clip looping endlessly.

“That's definitely Anika,” I say over my shoulder. “Oop, and there's Esha.” She walks past the camera and ruins Nik's video. “My sisters are the dancers.”

I only danced when I was younger because Mom pushed me to. Same with ice skating.

“You're pretty good though.”

My shoulder rises and drops with indifference. “Eh. I prefer watching.”

“Me too.” A devilish smirk pulls at his lips as he watches it once more. “An inspiring performance. I saved it to my phone. It's gonna get me through some lonely nights on the road.”

He says that so matter-of-factly that I almost miss its innuendo. “That's disgusting.”

“What, you don't like the idea of me nutting to—”

“Landon,” I whine.

“Okay, okay. I'll keep my private-time thoughts to myself.” The way his palm squeezes the arch of my hip makes my heart race. I ignore it. “Are you ever gonna give me a live performance?”

“Nope,” I say through a swallow, emphasizing thepwith apop.

Landon shimmies his shoulders and wiggles his hips into my backside. “Maybe I'll dance for you instead.”

I elbow him away with a playful nudge. “Please,no.”