Page 134 of Snap Shot

She meets his threat, pushing her determined chin up to face him. “I'm your fiancée'sbest friend. And your worst fucking nightmare.”

A chorus ofoohsmixes with muffled laughter from the dozen members making up the audience. Vaughn palms her shoulders and moves her back. My insides burn. The prick touched her. I fight back the urge to beat his face in. There are too many people. Too many witnesses. I can't risk more bad press. Wade pops his knuckles in preparation. I put up an arm across his chest, but it's misdirected. I should've been paying better attention.

Both Wade and I trail to swoop in as Indi lunges at Vaughn with a frustrated scream. Wade blocks us from the asshole while I hold back and lift the fearless hothead, escaping from the taunts and havoc that ensues.

She wriggles like hell, but my arms stay firm around her. I can hardly hear Indi's shrill pleas to let her go so she can “kill the cheating pig,” fear pumping adrenaline so hard my body takes in her kicks to my shins and fists to my thighs with stride.

The only quiet corner in the place is by the washrooms.

“Deep breath, baby,” I whisper in her ear. Her body shakes with what I imagine is anger. She thrashes once more and then goes limp. “That's it. We're calming down.”

“Let go, Radek.”

I do. She turns, hateful tears pooling in her eyes, lower lip quivering through every word.

“Didn't you see? That scumbag is cheating on Gabe.”

“I saw.” My hands give her tense shoulders an affirming squeeze.

We separate when Wade jogs over and joins us in the hiding spot. “That was close,” he pants, doubled over with his hands on his knees. “Damn, girl. What the fuck do you think you were doing out there?”

“I wastryingto beat the life out of the worthless piece of—”

Fletch exiting the men's room ends the conversation.

“Jesus, Donovan. I thought you went to take a whiz, not a colossal shit.”

Our teammate blushes bright red in Indi's presence.

“There was a line,” he mumbles, pointing his thumb over his shoulder.

“I'll catch you up later, Fletchyboy,” Wade promises, pulling Fletcher to his side with his meaty arm over his shoulder. “We should go, eh?”

Something sends pangs into my chest. I want to stay but can't with Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum in tow. They're wandering off to the exit door, so I take a step closer to her. “You gonna be okay?”

Indi nods. “I need to call Gabe. And find Nik and Bea.”

“Text me when you get back to wherever you're staying.” I push a short kiss into her forehead as I turn to leave. Her eyes flutter shut, plucking a rogue tear from one corner. I sweep it away. “Promise? I'm gonna worry until you do.”

She nuzzles into the light touch. “Promise.”



“The internet is a beautiful place,” Landon announces, plopping his gear bag in the three-by-three foyer of my apartment. “You'll never guess what I found.”

“You're right. I'll never guess.”

My mood's off for some reason, tone as dry as the fistful of corn kernels I plonk into a pot of warmed olive oil.

He purses his lips with a groan at my inattention, tugging me from the stovetop by the blousing of my oversized chunky knit sweater. His arms wrap tight around my torso, forcing me into a hug.

I soften when he nudges my cheek with thetip of his nose. It's cold from the brisk October evening air.

“Didn't you miss me?”

I nod in response.