“I don't care. If you need me, I'm there.” I wait through the pause leading up to her response, pacing a circle around the room as my pulse rises.
“Yeah,” I say through a short laugh, stopping my feet. “That's what friends do. We're friends, right?”
“We are.”
A deep breath blows out from my chest. “Wanna come over tonight and talk about it?”
“Can't. I have a work dinner.”
“Tomorrow night?” I offer.
“It's girls' night. I can't bail.”
“You're really making me work for this,” I tease.
She mutes a chuckle, lowering her voice to a whisper and waking my dick right the fuck up. “Don't be so needy, Landon.”
“What? I wanna see you.” Another pause breaks the cadence of our conversation. “Indi? You there?”
“Yes. I…don't think anyone has ever said that to me.”
“Too bad for them.” My hand palms the muscle connecting my neck and shoulder, pressing into it out of nervousness. “I'll say it again if it means it'll happen. I wanna see you.”
“Two nights from now?”
“Works for me.” Neither of us hang up. “Now tell me why you're freaking out.”
Indi sighs. “I'm not used to being touched. And definitely not like that. I'm more used to…”
Intrigue flashes in my mind. I think I know, but I want her to say it. Out loud. To me.
“Finish the sentence, Indi.” A door clicks shut behind her quickened breaths.
“Touching myself.”
Fuck.I push my arms through the sleeves of the fluffy terry cloth robe, sandwiching the phone between my shoulder and ear while tugging the panels around my torso and knotting the tie to keep them in place. “So, what do you want me to do?”
She hums out an uneasy whine.
“Indi,” I intone in a stern warning.
“I don't know.”
“You have to tell me what you want. You agreed.” A final pause follows as clothing rustles on the other end of the line.
“I want you to...watch.”
The last word has my cock rising from half-mast to full glory. Walking in accidentally was hot enough, but heraskingme to? I might actually lose my shit.
My jaw ticks, mustering dominance from the caveman part of my brain. “Tonight. Not tomorrow night, not the night after.Tonight. However late the work-dinner-whatever thing goes. My place.”
“Your place.”
Indi floats through my door a few minutes after 11 p.m., wearing the same dress as that first day in Whistler. The tiny pink flowers on the white fabric pale against the deep blush on her cheeks and darkened berry lips.