Page 77 of Snap Shot

“I'm here, Radek!”

Wedged heels make her long legs longer. They clop across the hardwood, cutting the distance in a few, determined strides. She throws her brown purse onto an armchair and does a fluttery spin, not unlike my heart. How she manages to look sweet and muck up my thoughts with filth at the same time is beyond me.

I walk over, feeling sorely underdressed in sweats and a plain t-shirt. “Hey, Indi.” Leaning on the back of the sectional, I beckon her, hand outstretched. “Come here.”

Unsure, she steps between my feet. I pinch a pleat of fabric to bring her closer, forcing her to touch me. Indi doesn't protest when I move her palms over my chest and settle them on my shoulders. My hands stroke up from her hips to the dip of her waist and back down again.

“Is this okay?”

She nods. I can't help but smile wider when she relaxes into me, the increased contact warming my skin. Her round eyes gaze back, sucking me into their dark depths for a moment before alcohol breath releases from her bowing, parted mouth.

I raise a brow, questioning her sobriety. “Had a good night, eh?”

“I had a glass of wine with dinner,” she admits. “I'm not drunk.”

“Was it red?” My tongue pokes out between my teeth. Please, please, please say it was red.


My fingers wander through the delicate fabric of her skirt. “This is a nice surprise. You wore it in the mountains. I was starting to think black was your favorite color and I'd never get to see you in it again.”

Her brows dip, mirroring her frown. “Black isn't my favorite color.”

“No?” I tighten my hold on her, enough to make a difference without being aggressive. She doesn't notice or doesn't mind. I'll stay like this as long as she'll let me.

“Nope. It's garnet, in case you were wondering.”

“Iwaswondering, actually.” My imagination runs wild with the idea of red lace against her bare, brown skin.

“And this” —Indi interrupts my runaway train of thought, making a face while peering down at her chest— “is what I get for letting my friend Sheena choose things for me.”

It’s too tempting not to take the offer of her forehead, so I risk it and place a short kiss there.

“Peer pressure is bad, kids,” she rants on. “Never cave to trends…heyyyy.” Her eyes grow in shock, then scrunch with a rapid shake of her head. “We said no cutesy stuff.”

“You don't like cute, huh?”

We can get not-cute real quick if she wants.

Indi gasps when my hands dive to grab the pert rounds of her ass, dick twitching under all the fluttery fabric gathering between my legs. Her hands clench my shoulders as I bury my face into the arc of her neck. She feels so good, I choke on my words, groaning them out in a hoarse murmur. “How about, ‘turn up your skirt and show me how you use that rose-shaped lipstick?’”

Her wine-blush flares, reaching the tips of her ears. “I don't carry that with meeverywhere.”

“But you have these.” I circle her wrist and raise it to run my thumb across her fingers. “That's what you wanted, right, Indi? To touch yourself for me?”

Throat tensing through a swallow, she recoils slightly.

Not wanting to waste a second to allow any sort of snarky reply, I lift her by handfuls of that ass, turning to drop her onto the empty armchair. “Time to live up to your promises.” My inner voice gets ignored over the horny one telling me to forge forward. “Lean back and spread those legs for me.”

Indi obeys, reclining and pointing her knees outward.

I backpedal to the sofa across from her, lowering to sit, keeping my attention on how her hands ball her skirt.

“You like when I tell you what to do, Indi?”

“Not usually.” She gnaws at her lip.

My chest vibrates with a chuckle. “What else do you like?”