As a couple.

Just the way I hoped it would be.



Finlay had a ghost in his new house.

And the man had no clue.

First of all, I couldn’t even believe that he’d actually bought a house, here, in Loren Brae. And to say I had mixed feelings about it, well, that was true as well. The biggest feeling? The one that I was the most uncomfortable with? It was excitement. I was freaking excited that Fin was going to stay here. Long term. And that, och, well, that scared me straight down to the toes of my favorite work boots.

Not even having to clear a ghost from his house scared me as much as the meaning behind him putting down roots here. Nope, I wasn’t going to examine that decision too closely. I wasn’t ready to look at what I thought he might be offering.All I could do was think one day at a time. It was what had served me well for years now, and it threw me off to try and think more deeply about an actual future with someone.

Why hope for something that could change on a whim? It was easier to focus on the things that I could control—like my business and helping the Order of Caledonia out. Which, apparently, meant I needed to sneak back to Fin’s house and rid it of the little ghostly girl who had hovered sadly in the corner of the upstairs bedroom.

Harris had spotted her even before I had.

A damn good dog, he was. It had about broken my heart to take him back to the shelter, his eyes sad as I dropped him off. Maybe I could make it work to rescue him, I just had to figure it out. Surely there was some solution that would get him out of the shelter but not stuck at my house all day without me there to care for him. I hated that I didn’t have an answer, but maybe I’d be able to find the perfect home for him soon.

“I can’t believe he bought a house here.” I said this out loud as I paced my room after work, trying to gauge when a good time would be to sneak back over to Fin’s new place and do a ritual to remove the ghost. “It’s too soon. He’s only been here a matter of months. How could he know he wants to stay?”

With me, I silently added.

Why can’t you trust him?

I whirled to see the Green Lady sitting on the edge of my bed.

“You make it sound so easy. When has trust gotten me anywhere?”

You trust yourself. You trust your crew. You trust your friends. I’d say it has gotten you a lot of places.

“That’s different.”

Is it?

“It is. That has nothing to do with my heart.” I tapped my chest repeatedly, trying to soothe myself.

Doesn’t it?

“Why are you even here?” I demanded, irrationally angry with this ghost who challenged me constantly. “Don’t you have other people to haunt?”

Do you want me to leave?

“I want to know why me? Why do you always come back to me?” What kind of house witch was I if I couldn’t get rid of my own ghost?

It’s what I do.

The Green Lady shrugged one delicate shoulder, a compassionate look in her all-seeing eyes.

I help lost travelers. Or lead them astray. Depends on their intentions really.

“Their intentions? Why would you lead people astray?”

Depends if their path leads to harm or harming others.

“And me? You keep coming back to me. But I’m not lost. I’m doing good. I’m on the right path.” I stomped my foot, my emotions twisting my gut.