“I’m not mad at you.” I didn’t move, allowing Orla to take any space she needed. “And I understand why you think that I’m posh. I am. I come from money. But after my father spent it all, it made me re-evaluate things. While I do like to spend on nice things at times, I take care of them, and I usually keep them for a long time. Like this place. I plan to call it home. I’ve been ready for a change for a whileand coming to Loren Brae has shown me what I’ve been missing in Edinburgh. A community. Friends. Nature. I’m happy here, and I want to put down roots. And…” I trailed off as I searched her eyes.

“And what?” Orla’s voice rasped.

“You’re here,” I answered simply. Honestly.

“Oh, Fin.” It was just a whisper at her lips and I took a careful step forward, closing the distance between us. Her eyes searched mine as I leaned down and ever so slowly brushed the softest of kisses across her lips.

“It’s a good home. But you’ll tell me what needs fixing.”

“Fin…” Orla reached up and clutched my arm. “I hope you didn’t buy this just for me.”

“And if I did?”

Her eyes widened, her mouth working, and I saw panic flash.

“I didn’t, Orla. It’s also for me. As I said, I don’t make these decisions lightly. But you should know that you deserve someone to show up for you. And I hope you’ll see that I am.”

“I don’t know what to say to that.” Orla tapped a hand at her chest, an unconscious movement that I’d seen her do before when she was stressed. It was as though she was tapping on her heart to give her the answers she needed.

“There’s nothing to say in the moment. For now, just tell me if I’ve wasted my money on a pile of shite or not.”

Orla laughed, and surprising me, she grabbed my hand.

“Show me around? I’ll tell you if you’ve been taken for a ride.”

“God, I hope not. I really like the place.”

The ground floor held the main bedroomwith an ensuite bath and an open living area with a fireplace, dining area, and kitchen. Stairs led to two nice sized bedrooms that shared a bathroom between them. I’d make one room an office, and the other a guest room as needed. Orla wandered the space, tapping walls, muttering to herself, sizing up the thick wood beams that crossed the ceilings.

“Good bones.” Orla glanced over her shoulder at me at the base of the stairs. “Can I go up?”

“Of course.” Harris and I followed Orla. I did my best to not stare at her tight bum in the trousers she wore.

“Are you staring at my bum?” Orla demanded, catching me at the top of the stairs.

“It’s a great bum. Hard not to when it’s in my face, right?”

A grin flashed, and Orla turned, walking into the bedroom at the right. Harris followed and then skidded to a stop. A low growl emanated.

“What’s wrong, boy?” I stopped next to him as he stared at an empty corner of the room. Sunlight filtered through the window but did little to bring warmth to this room. I’d have to check that the radiators worked up here.

“Shhh, it’s okay, Harris.” Orla stroked his head and the dog leaned into her leg, letting out a soft whimper. “That’s a good lad. Yes, you are.”

“I wonder what has him spooked,” I said, turning in a circle. There was nothing that I could see that would have set him off. Two windows, one at the front of the house and one to the back, and deep green carpeting were the only things in the room. The entire place had been sold unfurnished, and I’d need some help with picking the right furniture for the space when the time came.

“Hard to say. Sometimes animals just get spooked. Let’s go downstairs? Show me the back garden?” Orla turned and nudged me to move, and I did so, glancing once more over my shoulder at the bedroom.

For a second, I thought I caught a flash of something in the corner, and I shook my head slightly.

It must have just been the light filtering through the branches at the window. A simple enough explanation.

“Come on, Harris. You’ll love the backyard. You can roam free as there’s a wall all the way around.”

“Oh, a new adventure for you, buddy. I’m so pleased you brought him today, Fin.” Orla stopped me at the bottom of the stairs. “This is a great house, and I think you’ll be happy here. I don’t see many issues, but if you don’t mind, can I pop back here when I have some of my tools? I just want to check a few things before you start moving in.”

“Sure, no problem. I’d love to have your expert opinion.” Didn’t she have her tools in her truck? She could do it now. I didn’t want to put her out, not when I knew how busy she already was. But before I could suggest it, she was leading Harris out back and I let it go. If she wanted to come back, I was more than happy with that decision.

It just gave me more time to spend with her and ease her into being comfortable with the idea of us here. Together.