Page 103 of Wild Scottish Beauty

“I’m not entirely sure. I just figured out that he can kind of flash images into my brain of what he wants. Like he’s really interested in what’s on your tray there.”

“Nothing for you, wee lad.” Hilda clucked her tongue at Calvin.

“And Ramsay? Has anyone heard from him?”

“I heard he didn’t have to stay in the hospital or anything. He was there because of his brother, and then went home to his parents’ house.”

“Of course.” I sat at the table and buttered a scone, eating it idly even though I wasn’t very hungry. “That makes sense.”

It did make sense. He’d want to be with his parents after an event like that, particularly where both sons ended up in the hospital. I just wished…well, it didn’t matter what I wished. Ramsay had been clear about me not following him to the hospital, so I had respected his decision.

“What will you do today, with the shop like it is?” Hilda leaned against the table, concern in her pretty eyes. She must be picking up on the undercurrent of what wasn’t being said.

“I’m going to go down and see the shop. See if Ramsay needs any help clearing it out, and then I don’t know. I guess work on designs from here.”

“Library’s yours to use if you need it then.”

“Thanks, I appreciate it. Mind watching Calvin while I go to the shop this morning?”

“Of course not. The wee lad’s not a bother at all.”

Sir Buster let out a little growl from beneath the table, and Hilda snorted.

“They’ll figure it out soon enough,” Hilda said, squeezing my arm. “As will you. Even the darkest of mornings have light.”

I held on to that thought as I made my way into Loren Brae after breakfast, the air crisp and fresh this morning, sunlight drifting softly across the calm shores of Loch Mirren. On any other day, my heart would be full, and I’d be admiring how pretty the buildings looked lining the water.

Water that held unimaginable magic and depths.

I’d passed my third challenge.

After breakfast, I’d checked my sewing scissors to find the tiniest of flames etched among the vines next to the heart and the cat. Three challenges met. Which meant I was now officially a member of the Order of Caledonia, and I hadn’t told anyone. Not yet. I felt…adrift this morning, without the shop to work in, my future hanging in the balance while I waited to hear from Ramsay.

Was he hurting?

I couldn’t imagine how awful it must have felt to have one’s own brother destroy something you had worked so hard for. Granted, we’d been smart about the vision I’d had, taking most of the important items from the shop and storing them safely at the castle, but it was really the symbolism of the act that mattered most, no? What bigger betrayal than having your own brother take a match to your dreams? I wanted to hug Ramsay and tell him that I was there for him, in whatever capacity he’d allow me to be.

Which currently, was nothing.

But I could change that. I just needed to find the man and squeeze him.

Turning the corner to the store, I skidded to a stop. A few men were climbing in a truck to leave, and Ramsay stood alone in front of what had once been his beautiful store. While I know the store only represented a small piece of Ramsay’s palatial business, it had been a great spot to work.

I nodded at the men in the truck as they passed, and silently came to stand next to where Ramsay stared at the remains of the shop.

“Hey,” I said softly, bumping his shoulder with mine. “How are you feeling?”

“How do you think I’m feeling?” Ramsay rasped, and he didn’t look at me. Worry kicked up.

“I imagine pretty shitty,” I said. “For a lot of valid reasons. But first I want to know if you had any major smoke inhalation issues or what the doctor said.”

“All clear.” Ramsay shook his head, dismissing my question.

“Your brother?”

“Broken ankle, smoke inhalation, and facing time in prison.”

I pressed my lips together at that, my heart rate picking up as I studied the mess in front of us. Something had changed in Ramsay, and I didn’t know how to reach him.