Page 104 of Wild Scottish Beauty

“Oh, Calvin’s cat tree.” I moved to step into the mess to see if we could fix the half-burned tree, but Ramsay snagged my arm and pulled me back.

“Can’t touch anything. The site is part of an investigation. The inspector has been out, but he’s coming back again this morning to take more photos.”

“Oh, sure. Makes sense.” Drawing in a breath, I turned and wrapped my arms around Ramsay. His body stiffened under my touch. “I’m just so glad you’re okay.”

“ThatI’m…?” Ramsay pulled himself out of my arms and took a step back. “Okay? You think that I’m okay?”

The anger in his tone set me back a step, and I blinked up at him, torn on how to react. I wasn’t sure that I knew this Ramsay. Carefully controlled rage hovered behind his face, and his fists were clenched at his sides.

“No, I don’t think any of this is okay, Ramsay. But I’m glad you’re not hurt, physically at least,” I said, my hands in the air. “But the rest of this? Ramsay, we can fix this. We can build the shop again. We saved your fabrics. We can do this.”


The way he said it, as though I was a speck of dirt on his perfectly woven fabric, had my breath catching in my throat.

“Yes,we.I’m here to help.”

“I don’t need your help, Willow. You still don’t get it, do you?” Ramsay swept his hand out in front of the store. “This is not a ‘we’ problem. This is ameproblem. Stop trying to make this shop your own. It’s not. This is my shop, and you don’t belong here.”

My heart fell at his words, and I turned to look at the smoldering remains of the store that I’d pinned my hopes on.

Had I done it again? Trusted my future with someone who didn’t feel the same way about what we were building? I’d been so certain that Loren Brae was my spot and that designing for the castle would be my future—well, at least a step in the right direction, and I’d genuinely enjoyed working with Ramsay. We’d formed a connection, as designers, and we’d just finished all of our designs and had been ready to present them to Sophie. What had changed?

“But…what about our designs, Ramsay? We’ve worked so hard on them. I thought we were really creating a beautiful collection.”

“I was just humoring you because Sophie had asked me to. I’ve told you from the beginning that I work best alone.”

I blinked at him, tears filling my eyes. I wish I could be one of those people who didn’t show my emotions, that I could hide the pain from my face, but I just wasn’t built that way. Instead, I stood in front of Ramsay, my heart bleeding.

“So the shop is gone and that means we’re done too?” I whispered.

“You almost died.” Ramsay whirled on me. “I was supposed to protect you, and I didn’t. So yes, we’re done. Go back home, Willow, where Miles can keep an eye onyou, and I don’t have to look out for you every second of my day.”

The tears spilled over, and I took a step back, hating the expression I saw on Ramsay’s face.Scorn. Anger. Resolute.

He’s done.

He’s completely done with me.

Once again, I’ll be alone. How freaking wonderful. And that was when the anger began to boil within me.

“It’s not your job to protect me. And it’s not Miles’s job either. I can take care of myself.”

“Well do it elsewhere, Willow. I don’t need someone else in here trying to take over my business.”

“I’m not trying to take over your business. We were working together,” I shouted, pointing at him. “Don’t pretend like we weren’t.”

“You’re just an intern, Willow. Go home.”

With that, my heart cracked in two, and I turned, refusing to give this man another ounce of myself. Whatever had transpired between his brother and Ramsay since the fire had closed him up, made him cold. I didn’t have the energy to be his sunshine anymore.

No, maybe he was right. It might just be time for me to go home.If only I hadn’t been so sure that Loren Brae was my home.



In that moment, I hated myself.