“You know, G, I think we deserve a little treat.”
“Perfect timing then.”
I screamed and tripped over my feet, sprawling into Owen’s arms, well, arm, as he caught me one-handed and held the bouquet of flowers away from myflailing arms.
“Whoa, there, darlin’, calm down. It’s just me.”
Annoyed grumbles came from my bag as I righted myself, holding my hand to my heart. Owen grinned at me, rocking back on his heels.
“I swear I’m not usually this clumsy.”
“I don’t mind being the reason for sweeping someone off their feet.”
Before I could offer a retort, Owen handed me the flowers. Rust-orange roses, just tingeing to red at the tips of the petals. I sighed. They were gorgeous, and he had to be traveling quite far to source these as I was the only real florist in town.
“These are stunning, Owen, thank you.”
“Is that the gnome in your purse … or are you just happy to see me?” Owen laughed when I blinked up at him, confused, before looking down to see Gnorman in resting gnome face, poking out of my bag.
“Oh, right. Yeah, just taking him for a day out.” As soon as I said it, I could have kicked myself.Who even does that?I had to sound like I was completely out of touch with reality. Which, I was, but that was due to legitimate reasons like magick, not because I was incoherent.
“You take your gnome for a day out?”
“Sure, I mean, who doesn’t?”
I carefully placed the bundle of roses in my bag, covering Gnorman, and biting back a smile at his soft sound of protest.
“You continue to fascinate me, Shona.” Owen leaned in, and I tilted my head up, waiting for his kiss, as if I did this every day of the week. When his lips met mine, my heart shivered in my chest. “I’ve come to ask you for a date.I made reservations at Grasshopper tonight. Think you can join me?”
“A date?”
“Yes, a date. A real one. With food, and sultry looks, and a sexy good night kiss.”
Just a kiss?
At my pout, Owen threw his head back and laughed.
“Savor this time, Shona. The buildup makes it better.”
“Does it?” Or it made me extremely on edge and put much more weight on the big “moment” than I needed to be on there. I wasn’t good with added pressure, which is why I’d never been good at taking exams in school.
“Promise. So, see you at seven?”
Remembering my manners, I pasted a smile on my face, and Owen’s expression turned knowing.
“Aye, Owen. I’ll see you at seven. Thank you for inviting me.”
“Trust me, Shona. It’ll be worth the wait.” With one last kiss, he whistled his way back toward the cottage while I tried not to stamp my foot in frustration. That or melt into a pool of lust on the spot. It was a toss-up.
“It’ll be worth the wait,” Gnorman mimicked in a high voice, the flowers rustling as he jostled around in the bag.
“Remember the loch, Gnorman? I bet I could launch you in it from here.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Try me.”