Asecond agate had shown up in my cane—a lovely banded stone from what I could tell—and Agnes was over the moon. It seemed the Stone of Truth liked when we were altruistic with our powers, so I guess I just needed to find one more person to help and I’d be good to go. An official garden witch and all that. I hadn’t shared the same over-the-top reaction as Agnes, as truly, I’d simply used something I was starting to believe in to help someone in dire need of help. It’s just what we should do for one another. Gran had always said something along those lines.Be generous with your gifts, sweet Shona. You have what others don’t. Now I wondered if she’d been trying to tell me something more all along.
A knock at the door sounded as I hung some turquoise drops from my ears, and I swore, checking the time on myphone. I was running late. Mainly because it took me half an hour to find the box with one of the few dresses I had. Then I had to steam the damn thing because I’d tossed it in the box when I’d moved and never pulled it out since. A moss-green velvet that fell in tiers at my feet, with wide sweeping sleeves and a low-cut V at the neckline, the dress was boho chic and sexy at the same time. I’d worn it often in Glasgow, but I hadn’t found much occasion to here. I swung the door open as I finished fastening an earring and gestured for Owen to come inside while I fiddled with the clasp at my ear.
“Sorry I’m running late, I just need to?—”
I was cut off by his lips on mine, hungry, and my body was flattened against the back of the door. His hard body pressed against me, pinning me, and my entire body sprung alive at his nearness.
Yes, yes, yes.Just like this. Hard and fast and without a second thought.
His mouth seared mine as he feasted on me, devouring my kisses like a starving man being offered food. He fanned his hands down my sides and my skin burned at his touch. I arched my body into his, moaning as his tongue licked across mine, needing, needing, needing.
He broke the kiss, and I was so mad I almost kneed him in the crotch.
“Oh, mama, you are madder than a cat in a bathtub, aren’t you?” Owen correctly surmised my intention, angling his body away from mine, as he reached out and ran his hands down my arms to soothe me.
“Your choice of stopping points infuriates me,” I said.
“I understand, darlin’, but we’ll be late for our reservationif this continues.” Owen eased back from me and held out a bag that I hadn’t seen him put on the counter before he’d wall-slammed me and almost made me beg for release.
“Then why did you kiss me like that?” I asked, my heart pounding in my chest.
“Because you looked so pretty in your dress that I couldn’t help myself.”
“Mmm,” I said, narrowing my eyes at the gift bag he held. “Why do you keep bringing me stuff?”
“Because I like to?”
“You know you don’t have to do that, right?” I reluctantly accepted the bag from him.
“I don’t have to do anything that I don’t want to do.”
I flashed Owen a look, and he sighed, pinching his nose.
“My mother’s only love language was gift giving. It’s engrained. Would you open it so we can go to dinner please?”
“Fine, but just know that I don’t expect this from you. I don’t—” I gasped as I pulled a gnome statue from the bag. This was a woman in a flirty bar wench type outfit, with a tartan skirt and a cheeky wink. “You got me agnome?”
“You seem to really have a thing for gnomes.” Owen shrugged as I carefully placed the gnome on the counter, being as gentle as I could with it. It was hard for me to tell, but I was getting the distinct impression that this was not just a statue gnome either. Oh man, Gnorman was going to have afit.
“Where did you find her?”
“At a resale shop in the town where I got your flowers.”
“Which are also lovely by the way.” I crouched and brought my face close to hers, blocking her from Owen’sviews. When her eyes shifted slightly, I grinned. “Welcome, beautiful. I’m going to put you in the greenhouse with my other gnome, Gnorman. If that is okay with you?”
Her eyes gleamed, and I took that as acceptance.
“Yeah, I figured G could use a friend.”
“They’ll make a lovely pairing.” I was positively cheerful now, knowing how much Gnorman liked to be in control of his own little world. I couldn’t wait to see how this new arrival ruffled his feathers. She looked feisty. “Quick detour to drop her off and check on Eugene before we go?”
“Of course. How’s he doing?” Owen asked as I grabbed my handbag and coat, and he picked up the gnome. Together, we crossed the garden to the greenhouse, the night air crisp on my face and reminding me that winter was around the corner.
“He loves your toy,” I said, heaving the door open and spying Eugene racing around a corner. He skidded to a stop at my feet, toy in his mouth, and I grinned down at him. “He really likes it when you throw it for him.”
“No way. Like fetch? I’m in.” Owen ran an absentminded hand down my back as he crouched by Eugene and my entire body shivered at his touch. He was so casual with his affection for me, touching, kissing, light caresses. I don’t even think he realized he was doing it half the time, but it had reminded me of how little I was touched these days. I’d been out of the dating scene for so long that I realized just how much I missed it. Hugging, the weight of a man’s body on mine, even just the casual brush of a fingertip across my cheek. Breaking my train of thought, I took the bag with the girl gnome and headed back toward the attached rooms where I’d last left Gnorman.