Page 33 of Christmas Secrets

Darro reached for the fork and plate. “Let me taste that.” He cut a bite and put it in his mouth. “He’s right,” he said after quickly chewing and swallowing. “This is almost as good as yers, honey.”

Lucerne clapped her hands. “Wonderful! I wish I knew who made it.”

“I guess we’ll have to make it our business to find out,” Pauley replied, obviously going into detective mode. “Unless ye need some help, Lucerne, the rest of us can spread out and start interviewing.”

They all laughed and Dottie was really glad that no undue attention came her way. It was such a relief that she finally started to relax and enjoy herself.


Dal was glad Luca wasthere. He had been contemplating not coming, but finally decided he wouldn’t let Ainsley’s disdain of him keep him from enjoying the party with his friends. So, she wasn’t into him, that was okay. She wouldn’t be the first girl to turn him down for a date. She just happened to be the first one to really matter.

Why he felt so drawn to her, he didn’t know. It had happened the first time he’d seen her riding her horse, Stardust. For lack of a better analogy, she seemed like his fated mate. Just being in close proximity to her gave him goosebumps, and his trousers wanted to tent as if they had a mind of their own.

When he and Luca walked into the huge party area encompassing the living room and dining room, he saw her standing in the entry way beneath some mistletoe. Of course, mistletoe was everywhere and it was hard not to be under or near it anywhere in the room, but he tried to avoid it. Escaping the kitchen had been nice, but now it was time to mingle. He studiously avoided looking at Ainsley

Instead, he looked at the amount of food on the buffet Lucerne had set up in the dining room in front of the windows so people could go down both sides. It was filled with food, but room had been left for the platters of turkey and hot rolls still coming. His stomach growled a complaint. He hadn’t even snacked before coming here and lunch would have been two hours ago if he’d eaten. He was ready for food.

“There’s yer girl,” Luca teased, nodding toward Ainsley who had gone to the living room and took a recliner in front of the rugby game on the big screen television on the wall. Card tables had been set up around the area for people to eat, or they could eat in a comfortable chair, it was all very informal.

“She’s not my girl,” Dal replied stiffly.

Luca stared. “I thought ye said...”

Dal cut him off with a frown. “I know what I said, but she’s nae interested in me and I’ll not push it. She made that very clear.” He suddenly felt a tingling between his shoulder blades.

“Well, she’s looking yer way, even if ye don’t want her anymore. Can I take a run at her?”

Jealousy flared hot and heavy and Dal glared at his friend.

Luca held up his hands and backed off. “I can see yer actions don’t match yer words. Just kidding,” he said with a chuckle. “She’s all yers if ye can catch her.”

“She’ll be heading back to Boston after New Years and I won’t be back to Neamh before she leaves, so there’s no catching her at this point,” Dal snapped.

“Are ye going to give her the snow globe ye ordered to take with her?”

“Nay, I’ll just leave it on my shelf in the barn. She wouldn’t want a gift from me, that’s fer sure.”

“She keeps glancing over here,” Luca pointed out. “Are ye sure she’s not interested?”

Dal glanced over his shoulder and Ainsley whipped her head back to the game. That was weird, she had been looking his way. Now that she wasn’t, the tingling between his shoulder blades had subsided. He shrugged. “Mayhap she was watching ye, Luca. If ye really want to try yer luck, go ahead. I’m done with her.” His tadger protested the thought but Dal firmly placed Ainsley in the ‘one that got away’department. At least he was trying to. His foolish heart kept wondering if he might still have a chance? What if he were to kiss her under the mistletoe? Would she like it? Would she slap him? Nah...she didn’t want his kiss. He glanced her way only to catch her gaze swiftly moving away from him again. Or would she?

Everyone started clapping and the boys looked around to see Darro, Angus, and Jamie coming out with the platters of turkey and hot rolls, their wives following. They all cheered and whistled as the food was placed on the table. Then Darro held up his hands.

Dal whistled along with the cheers. Thank the lord, his stomach was eating itself inside and out.