Chapter 9
“Welcome to Neamh, everyone,” Darro addressed the crowd. “It’s good to have family and close friends to gather with during the holidays, and to enjoy a meal with. As ye all know, everyone has Christmas secrets and we all try to ferret out as many as we can. But the most mysterious secret I’ve encountered this year is the Clootie Dumplings that no one has admitted to bringing. And they are very good, by the way. So, before we ask a blessing and eat, I’d like someone to volunteer what that’s all about.”
Everyone began mumbling and looking around at each other with smiles and grins, but no one raised a hand.
Darro’s eyebrows shot up. “If ye don’t volunteer, I’m going to sick Pauley MacNamara on ye. She’s known to get results and will be ferreting out every secret ye have if ye aren’t careful.”
They all laughed and the Chief Inspector hooted. “Ye got that right. DS McBride, recently turned MacNamara, never gives up until she solves what she’s working on.”
Dottie wasn’t shocked when Ben cleared his throat and stepped forward. “I believe I can answer that, sir.”
They all stared at Ben and Dottie waited for him to admit he made the treat.
Darro recovered first. “Well...don’t just stand there, lad. Come over here and explain what’s going on.”
Ben flushed slightly, but he took Dottie’s hand and pulled her forward in front of the buffet table. Then he turned to her and took both of her hands. “Dottie, I want ye to know how much I love ye. And because I love ye so much, and I know ye hate cooking, I decided to surprise ye and take a few cooking lessons of my own from Poppy. And I found out that I liked doing it. I also asked Poppy to help me make yer favorite Christmas treat just fer ye fer the party. Merry Christmas, Dottie. I hope ye like yer Christmas surprise.”
Dottie opened her mouth to speak but she was so shocked that nothing would come out at first. Ben was taking cooking lessons? She swallowed hard and tried again. “I don’t know what to say, Ben. I would never in a million years have seen this coming.” She couldn’t keep her eyes from tearing up. “This is the most thoughtful surprise I’ve ever had. Ye are the best husband ever and I love it.” She threw her arms around him and hugged and kissed him while everyone clapped and cheered.
Darro cleared his throat. “I have to admit, I didn’t see that coming either. Anyone else besides Ben and Poppy know about this Christmas secret?”
Everyone muttered and shook their heads.
Dal remained silent and just grinned.
“I suspected it,” Angus threw out. “Since Poppy was makin’ dumplin’s fer the Sangster family Christmas, I wondered if those in the kitchen might have anythin’ to do with the ones she made.”
Darro stared at his second in command. “Why didn’t ye say so before this? That was a good clue.”
Angus threw his hands in the air and rolled his eyes. “Do I have to do everythin’ around here?”
Catcalls and insults abounded until Darro held up his hands with a grin. “Well done, Ben. That’s probably the best kept secret I’ve heard in a long time. Now, let’s have a blessing on the food. I don’t know about all of ye, but I’m starved. Father MacCaulay, will ye do the honors?”
The portly priest who had married Darro and Lucerne, as well as Darro senior and both of his wives, stepped forward. “Aye, with pleasure.”
Dottie was so excited and overwhelmed that she barely listened as Father MacCaulay blessed the food, Heaven’s Gate, and everyone who was there today before he finally finished. She snuggled in Ben’s arms, her heart full of gratitude and love. What he had done for her today was totally amazing and she could hardly believe it. That her husband would learn to cook for her sake, and find out that he actually liked it, was unbelievable. Who would have ever thought that could happen?
Her thoughts drifted to the letter she’d received in the mail today. Now she had a real Christmas secret that Ben wouldn’t see coming either. She couldn’t wait to tell him.
Ainsley couldn’t keepfrom glancing at Dal every now and then. She hadn’t thought he would come, but he did. She was a bit disappointed that he never intentionally glanced her way that she could tell. She was hoping he might have thawed a little bit and would at least wish her a merry Christmas or something. She was even more disappointed as the afternoon of fun, good friends, and family slowly wound down.
A few inches of snow were predicted tonight, starting around 7:00 p.m. Everyone would be leaving to get off the mountain roads before dark. People would want to be snug in their homes by that time. It was going on 5:00 p.m. and several had already left.
Idly she wondered what he would do if she‘accidentally’spilled her drink on him? That would get his attention, but it would catch everyone else’s attention as well. Deciding that wouldn’t be a mature thing to do, she decided to visit Stardust in the barn. At least her horse understood her.
She was putting her outer gear on near the front door when she felt eyes on her. She glanced Dal’s way and he held her gaze captive for a moment before giving her a slight nod and then going back to the game. No thaw there, his eyes were as wary as before. So why did he even look at her? Frustrated, she wrapped her scarf around her neck and went out the door.
The barn wasn’t warm exactly, but it was warmer than outdoors when she stepped inside. The horses and the cats did give off some body heat, and there were space heaters in the offices when the men were working, but it was still cool. Stardust whickered a greeting as she took her gloves off, turned on the lights and headed for his stall.