Page 29 of Christmas Secrets

When Ben returned, he brought a washcloth and held it under the warm water and washed her face carefully. It didn’t stop the tears still leaking but it did feel good.

“Ye look exhausted, Dottie. There are deep circles under yer eyes. Ye haven’t been sleeping well, have ye?” he asked, taking her hand from under the water and washing her thumb.

“Not really,” she confessed, more tears squeezing from beneath her eyelids.

He dried her thumb with a soft towel. “I can tell, ye never cry. Exhaustion has done this to ye.” He carefully wrapped the band-aid around her thumb. “Tonight, ye are going to bed early. Ye need some rest.”

She immediately protested. “I can’t go to bed early, I have too much to do.”

Ben put both his arms on either side of her body, and looked her directly in the face. “I said ye are going to bed early. With or without a spanked bottom is yer choice.”

She eyed his stern features. Where had this come from? If she defied him now and he followed through, this would be the second time in a week. Her heartrate picked up. Remembering his hard spanks in the truck made the decision for her.

“Okay,” she meekly replied. “I guess there’s nothing that can’t wait until morning.”

He smiled. “Good girl. Now, go get ready fer bed and put on that short little piece of nothing that I can see through.” He lifted her off the cabinet and added a spank to her backside as he pushed her towards the hallway.

Desire flared in her abdomen. Dottie hurried down the hallway and into their bedroom. Quickly she undressed to her panties and then slipped the ‘barely cover the butt’negligee over her head, loving the feel of the filmy silk as it caressed her breasts. She didn’t feel the least bit sleepy, but making love with Ben always helped her fall asleep later. At least for a few hours anyway. He was being so sweet; he hadn’t even scolded her about her thumb.

Which made her feel even more like a heel.

Chapter 8

Ben watched his wifeas she hurried down the hallway. He knew he needed to do something for his best girl. Coming into the house and finding blood on her, and then her injured thumb, had sent his blood pressure through the roof. Knowing what was eating at her and doing nothing about it didn’t feel right. He was allowing her to hurt herself and he couldn’t have that.

He turned and stared out the kitchen window looking at the swirling bits of snow. Giving her time to get prepared would make it easier for what he wanted to do. She might not like it and he didn’t want to get into a tussling match with her.

He gave her ten minutes, then followed her down the hallway and quietly opened the door. Her back was to him, her perky little bottom in her pink knickers showing beneath the filmy white material. “That’s what I like to see.”

She whirled around to face him, a hungry look in her eyes. Good, he wanted her to feel that way. His eyes traveled up and down her body with his own hungry graze and she blushed in spite of the time they’d been married already.

Ben closed the door behind him and shed his clothes except for his thermal underpants. He switched off the overhead light and watched the moonlight from the window gleam off her bare skin. Then he padded to the bed in bare feet and turned the covers back before sitting down.

Dottie sashayed to him and he grabbed her hands in his and brought her between his knees. “Do ye know how much I love ye, Dottie?” he asked, sliding his palms around her waist and down into her knickers which he then slid off her silky body.

As she stepped out of her knickers, she nodded her head. “Aye, I do,” she whispered.