Page 30 of Christmas Secrets

“I don’t think I’ve shown ye just how much I love ye though. A man has to protect his best girl and I think I’ve been remiss in that.”

“Nay, ye haven’t,” she protested.

She leaned down to give him a kiss. The slight scent of her cinnamon shampoo and the natural scent of her body slid up his nostrils. He put his hands around her waist and guided her down and over his left knee before she realized what he was doing. “Nay, I’ve been remiss. There are ways to relax a lass when she’s had a rough day and I should have been doing it. I just wasn’t sure ye would like it.”

Dottie’s elbows dug into the sheet on the bed as she caught herself and she gasped. “What are ye talking about, Ben? What are ye doing?”

When he lifted her legs so she was completely over his lap, she tried to roll off.

“None of that now,” he cautioned, pulling her in closer to his body. “Just relax fer me.”

“How can I be relaxed in this position,” she snapped, glaring back at him. “It doesn’t feel relaxing at all. What are ye up to?”

“Just trust me, Dottie.” He lifted his arm and watched her buttocks clench in anticipation. When he smacked her right globe, she sucked air. Then immediately, he began to soothe the sting with his palm.


Once she relaxed again, he did it several more times all over her bum. At least she wasn’t trying to roll off anymore. “How’s that feeling, honey?” he crooned softly, his hand and fingers doing things he’d never done before in a position like this.

“It’’s not too bad,” she replied honestly.

Her breath caught when he went back to spanking, this time a little harder. “Ye are so beautiful, Dottie. “I love ye so much. I don’t like to see ye upset and hurting like ye are. The holidays can be such a stressful time and I should have been more helpful to ye. Taken off some of the burdens ye are under.”

“Oh, Ben,” Dottie groaned when he went back to touching her, the dampness between her legs signaling how close she was getting to feeling really good.

Her entire body was trembling and he upped the ante to a session of really hard spanks that had her legs stiffening. She squealed in protest until his fingers slipped inside her. Several times he followed the same pattern until she stiffened, made that funny keening noise he loved, and went off like a firecracker bucking over his lap. Then she dissolved into a limp lump and started crying.

Ben held her and rubbed his palms over her bright red buttocks, trying to calm her. “It’s all right, I love ye, Dottie.”

She didn’t seem to be settling down though. Her face was in the sheet and she was sobbing her little heart out until Ben became concerned. Finally, he lifted her up and cuddled her with her hot bottom between his thighs. “Ye need to settle, honey, no more crying now.” He lifted her chin up to look into her tear-drenched face. Are ye just that tired then? Is the crying helping?”

“Oh Ben,” she sobbed brokenly, finally spilling her guts. “I don’t deserve yer kindness and yer patience. I’ve been lying to ye about the dishes I made fer Neamh. I paid fer them without asking ye. I’m way over budget and I deserve yer censure and anything else ye want to do to me,” she wailed, covering her face with her hands. “Just don’t beat me too hard, please?”

Ben couldn’t help grinning, this was what he’d been hoping for. Darro was right, it was between him and Dottie and he needed to be the one to decide how to handle his wife. So, he’d gone with his instincts when the opportunity arose. “I know, honey.”

Her hands dropped and her mouth was a round O of surprise. “Ye know? How did ye know? How long have ye known.”

She sat up straighter and winced as she stared him in the face. Her mascara was ruined and her cheeks were wet, but Ben thought she was adorable. Her big blue eyes shone with tears and a few dripped off her chin. He reached up and brushed them away with gentle thumbs as she hiccupped and heaved a big sigh.

“I’ve known since I found the receipt in the grocery box in the truck this morning,” he admitted.

“Oh,” she said in a small voice, dropping her gaze from his. “Are...are ye going to spank me?” She nibbled on her left thumb.

Ben took her hand from her mouth and lifted her chin. “I just did.”

Her face turned red. “That was it?”

“Are ye sore?”

She nodded. “Aye, very sore.”

“Do ye want me to spank ye some more?”


“Are ye going to go over budget again without telling me?” he asked.

She shook her head vigorously. “Gawd no. This was bad enough.”