The difference between a Ford Fiesta and a Ferrari. Entwined like vines, her legs coiled round his waist.
Nicholas surprised himself. He was going strong. Full throttle, piston pumping. Longer than he could ever have imagined.
And Sophie? The foreplay was fun, but now she was aching. ‘Please, slow down… I never want it to end,’ she lied.
‘No problemo. Couldn’t stop if I tried.’
Don’t worry, Sophie, good that you kick-started the engine. You canfine-tune the performance later.
A couple more circuits, and then just flag him over the finish line…
‘NOW!’ she cried. Sophie bit his neck and scratched his back. Her nails left a fiery track down to his buttocks.
‘Ahh,’ he moaned.
Poor Nicholas was out of his depth.
Teach him to swim,the good girl said.Save him from his boring life. He’s yours now.
Yes. He’s yours now, the bad girl said.
Chapter 9
Lunchtime. Damien and Sophie were sitting in a booth at Lemonia, in Primrose Hill, his favourite Greek restaurant.
‘We’ll have some starters,’ he said to the waiter. ‘Hummus, taramasalata, calamari and pitta bread. Anything else for you, Sophie?’
‘No thank you, that’s perfect.’
Sophie was on her best behaviour. She hadn’t started drinking the Pinot Grigio till midday.
‘And for the main,’ Damien said, ‘I’ll have the kleftiko.’
‘I’ll have the baby chicken, please.’
‘Wine?’ he said.
Of course, said the Voice.
‘Yes, please,’ she said, plucking an olive from a little china saucer.
Damien glanced at the menu. ‘We’ll have the Sancerre 2018.’
Not sure a bottle is a good idea at lunchtime, said the Voice.But, then again, it might make it easier for her to express her feelings about Nicholas. Must say it’s a pity the conversation isn’t about you. Would have been much more interesting.
‘Okay, Sophie,’ Damien said when the waiter had gone, ‘you’ve spiked the man’s soup with Viagra and had your way with him, which I might say was a heinous thing to do. So what’s next?’
‘Who knows?’ she replied. ‘For the moment I’ll take life as it comes. At least there’s no going back now.’
Damien couldn’t admit he had a vested interest. That he was nuts about her. He needed to be political. Tell her his honest opinion. What a waste of space Nicholas was.
‘I don’t really want to play the agony aunt,’ he said. ‘But why are you so attracted to this guy? I can guarantee if he did leave his wife and come and live with you, you’d go potty. You’d be bored after a week.’
But Sophie had her own thoughts.
‘It wouldn’t be like that. I don’t want someone who wants to discuss the you-ness, the me-ness, the us-ness. Nicholas is happy to be practical. He can fix anything. Plumbing, electrics, mending things. He’s not predatory. There’s an innocence about him. And I can tell you it feels very sexy being the seducer.’ She lowered her voice and looked up at Damien, her eyes soft and dreamy.
There you go!said the Voice.So now you know what turns her on, next time drop your alpha-male side and show her your inner child. But, for now, carry on with the therapy bit.