‘I think you’ve got a real problem, Sophie,’ Damien said, pouring her another glass of wine. ‘Why are you punishing yourself? You’re an amazing woman. How could you fall for such an ordinary man?’

The starters had arrived. Damien dipped a radish in the taramasalata and popped it in his mouth. Sophie just played with a celery stick, swirling it around and around the hummus.

‘Please, Damien, you don’t understand,’ Sophie replied. ‘When Nicholas came along, it was a godsend to meet someone who was happy to take on a weeping widow. I was a wreck after Daniel and Mikey died. To tell you the truth, I didn’t want to live.’ Sophie picked up her napkin and hid her eyes. ‘Just give me a second,’ she said tearfully.

‘You really don’t have to talk about it any more.’ Damien stroked her hand.

Let her,said the Voice.She’s obviously still in love with her husband. Misses him terribly. Nicholas is just a sticking plaster. Who knows, maybe she thinks a guy like you would be too dangerous for her.

Damien reached for Sophie’s napkin and gently wiped away her tears.

Well, that’s a start,said the Voice.

She gave him a wan smile. ‘Nicholas rescued me. He was so kind. Always a phone call away if I needed anything. And he’s still around five years later.’

‘Why wouldn’t he be?’ Damien said. ‘Nothing to lose for him. Comes up to London, has a bit of glamour and then back to his dull life in Bournemouth.’

‘I suppose that’s true.’ Sophie chewed pensively on a calamari ring. ‘Maybe I just fill in the gaps. Do all the things that his wife never does. Cook for him, go with him to art galleries and the theatre, watch old movies. Apparently, she hates anything to do with culture. They seem to have absolutely nothing in common.’

Yes, they do, said the Voice.Two children, a couple of dogs and twenty years of marriage.

‘He’s a romantic. I know it gives him pleasure to bring me flowers and presents. He says she’s more excited by a chainsaw than a piece of jewellery.’

‘Don’t tell me, he also told you that they haven’t had sex for years.’

‘As a matter of fact, yes. And when they did, it was mechanical. No passion.’

What a loyal chap,said the Voice.

‘So at last we’re finally lovers.’ Sophie sighed. ‘I’m glad I gave him Viagra. He would never have succumbed normally. Too disciplined. Likes to give himself a hard time.’

The mains had arrived. Damien was hungry. All that talk about Nicholas had made him feel insecure. Why couldn’t she let herself love him? Damien Spur: handsome, world-class writer, legend in the sack.

He took a bite of kleftiko. ‘Food’s always good here. Shall I order some more wine?’

Sophie picked at her chicken.Damien, you’re a gorgeousman. What’s wrong with me?

‘Anyway, maybe now he’ll see the light and leave her.’

‘I’m not sure about that.’

‘Just tell me what you think,’ she said.

‘About what?’

‘Nicholas,’ she said. ‘Do you think it a dead end?’

Here goes, said the Voice. Your chance to wean her away from Mr Creepy.

Damien put his knife and fork down and looked her in the eyes.

‘If you want to know my honest opinion, Nicholas is a con man. He’s flattering you to keep you on the hook. He wants you, but he won’t leave his wife. Why? Because you’re trouble. Far too sophisticated for him. A little of you goes a long way. And then he can go back to his wife and fantasise about you at night.’

Clever Damien.

Chapter 10

Indeed, Nicholas was having the time of his life.