Page 108 of Unforgivable

“You are the only one who gets that side of me, Sweetness. That’s not for public consumption,” Cal groused, but my stomach fluttered at his words nonetheless. It was just another part of him that belonged only to me. “If you really put my name on that list, I swear your next orgasm will be harder to get than El Chapo was.”

I snorted at his threat because we both knew it was complete bullpoop. “Oh calm down, you giant baby. I didn’t sign you up for any Nickelback…it was “Wonderwall,” I added innocently.

“Holy shit, you’re going to get us run out of the bar,” Bash chortled, shooting an amused glance our way.

“You know what, dude? I’ll go up with you if you have to sing. I have been told I have a mellifluous tenor and a penchant for impulsive decisions,” Nate offered proudly.

“What, did you swallow a dictionary or something?” Dawson joked, shooting a bewildered look at his best friend.

“You couldn’t pay me enough to get up there and sing. I’d sooner pierce my dick,” Micah quipped, and whatever Bash whispered in his ear had him flushing deep red.

“Cal’s already done that,” I blurted out before it registered what I said. My eyes shot wide as awkward silence descended before the guys burst into laughter.

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that!” Griffin laughed, but Cal’s icy gaze swung toward him and he choked off instantly. “I mean, I remember hearing about it. Like…in the locker room. Not that I’ve seen it because…that would be weird…and shit.”

“Very smooth. You really convinced them, baka,” Kenji retorted with a small laugh at Griffin’s fumbling response. He said something in Japanese to Griffin, who then smacked him on the head, so I could only guess what he’d said to him.

“I hope you realize this is your fault, Sweetness,” Cal grumbled at me, one eyebrow perking up in fake annoyance. I knew he really couldn’t give two figs if anyone knew about his pierced package. “I’m kind of glad I didn’t spike your drink now. You’re dangerous when sober, I can’t imagine the secrets you’d divulge if you were wasted.”

“Hey, I take offense to that! I am an excellent secret kee—wait, you were going to spike my drink? Is that ethical? Is thatlegal?You sayI’mdangerous, but now I’m a little concerned that—” My rambling was cut off by the crush of his mouth on mine, his tongue tangling with mine while a whimper escaped my throat.

It was still a bit shocking to me how easily he doled out public affection, but it never failed to make me swoon. Underneath the teasing, cocky, short-tempered butthole I was first drawn to was a romantic sap who couldn’t keep his hands off me. I loved both sides of him equally. There was no part of Cal I’d do away with. I wanted his darkness as well as his light. He was all mine, every beautiful, damaged piece.

“You are fucking adorable when you’re all flustered, you know that?” Cal grinned at me as we parted and all I could give him was a dopey smile in return.

“Hey party people, what’s crack-a-lackin?!” Aly shouted as she and Fin pushed their way past the crowd, fashionably late as always.

“Please excuse the poor thing. I just found her wandering around the streets, raving like a lunatic, and you know what a sucker I am for a stray,” Fin piped up, earning him a smack on the arm from Aly. “Excusez-moi! Hands off, I bruise like a peach!”

“Quit being a smart-ass, or I’ll bruiseyourpeach,” Aly sassed with a wide grin.

“Ooo, kinky. I didn’t think you were into that, cutie,” Griffin teased, his flirty gaze pinned on Fin. However, Fin’s usual biting response was absent. I would have thought he didn’t hear Griffin if not for his jaw ticking and a slight blush coloring his cheeks. He just plopped into a chair at the end of the table, sliding into conversation with Micah, Bash, and Dawson without giving Griffin a second look. Griffin’s brows pinched and his lips turned down at the dismissal, and I was confused at what happened to cause the shift in that dynamic.

Before I could think on that too long, a silky, slightly accented voice rang out on the microphone. “¡Buenas Noches! How y’all feeling tonight?”

I spun and instantly recognized Mateo on the karaoke stage, a cheeky smile on his face as he raised the microphone stand to his height. Cal started laughing at the sight of his friend up there, whooping and whistling along with the crowd at his easy charisma.

“Alright, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve done this, so don’t be toohard on me…that’s for later,” he winked at a group of girls close to the front, and their squeals could be heard even in the back where we sat. Laughter and more whistles echoed in the bar, and it wasn’t difficult to see why this guy was always getting some action. His gorgeous looks were only bolstered by his charm and confidence. He reminded me of Cal in some ways, but Mateo seemed larger than life. A personality too big to be contained in a single person. Throw in that subtle, sexy accent and he was a one-stop panty-drop.Or boxers too with how some of these men are eyeing him…

The song started up and everyone fell quiet once Mateo began to sing. His voice was sultry and smooth, the vibrato flowing effortlessly as he crooned to “Despacito”. Of course, everyone went crazy at his perfect rendition and it was pretty dang clear he knew what he was doing up there.

“Ugh, seriously with this guy?” Nate grumbled loudly from behind me. Our group all turned to him with perplexed looks, except Dawson who looked like he was biting his tongue about something.

“You don’t like Mateo? He’s, like, the nicest fucking dude. Plus he’s one of the only good singers tonight,” Griffin noted, still looking annoyed about his lack of attention from Fin if his disgruntled glances toward him were any indication. Nate rolled his eyes and took a large swig of his beer.

“Oh yeah,sodamn nice,” Nate said, sarcasm heavy in his tone. “He’s a regular Oprah.Youget a dicking,andyouget a dicking. Everyone gets a dicking!”He gestured wildly to the crowd who was entranced by Mateo’s performance. Even I had a hard time tearing my eyes away from him, but thankfully Cal hadn’t noticed. I didn’t think my poor bum could take a jealous pounding after our bedroom Olympics last night. The memory of him bending me in half and pegging my prostate for a solid ten minutes had my dick stirring, but I wasn’t sure I had any bodily fluids left to give after three orgasms. Cal definitely had a fetish for wringing me dry, like he had to draw out every single drop to prove it was all his.

“What’s your deal with him anyway? You were all butthurt when we spotted him around Halloween too,” Bash wondered aloud, his fingers idly stroking Micah’s hair as he snuggled into his side.

“Forget it, I’m getting another drink,” Nate muttered and then he took off for the bar, leaving us all confused and highly curious. A dangerous state to leave us in, to be sure.

“I’ve got money on him having a thing for Mateo,” Griffin guessed confidently.

“I’ll see that bet and raise you that they’ve already done the nasty in the past-y,” Micah predicted with a devious smile. Dawson’s neutral expression and lack of eye contact made me think he had some insider knowledge. When I caught his gaze, he just smirked at me and put his finger to his mouth in a “shh” gesture. Yep, dude knew something, but he would probably take it to his grave. Pity…

Mateo finished to insane applause, getting stopped every other foot by girls and guys alike who were praising his singing. He finally sauntered over to our table. “Hawk, Griffin, what’s happening, brothers?” He and Cal did their complicated handshake thing and Griffin just up-nodded him with a smile.

“Great job, man. A Spanish song was a bit on the nose, but...” Cal joked, but Mateo just gave him an easy grin.