Page 28 of Tenure

Sorry to tell you, Tanya, but his dick is decidedly NOT small.

He shifts his head and makes eye contact with my reflection, slowly running his hand down my spine and watching the goosebumps rise on my bare flesh. He cups my ass cheek and rubs his thumb back and forth. It’s still pink.

“Where did youcome from, Kiernan?” he murmurs, his voice low, face serious. The rest of my skin turns as pink as my butt, and he smiles, kissing the top of my head. Then he quietly turns and leaves, shutting the door behind me to give me my privacy.

I catch myself on the counter, blood rushing to both my head and between my legs, my stomach filled with so many butterflies I’m pretty sure I’m levitating.

I take a deep, steadying breath and pull myself together, wash my face, and steal his toothbrush. I’m a little worse for wear, some purple bruising blossoming across my hip, a thumbprinton one side of my neck and a series of threeembarrassinglydark hickies on the other. But I can’t stop grinning anyway. I smile even wider as I step back into the bedroom. He’s left my skirt and shirt out on the bed, neatly folded, along with my underwear which have definitely been washed. I blush, mortified but grateful, throw on my clothes and head back out into the apartment. He’s sitting on the couch, dark hair tousled, blue glow of the computer screen reflected in his glasses. He looks less relaxed now. In fact he’s scowling, and I can’t help but smile.

There he is.

He looks up and his eyes scan my body, pausing for an extra half a second on my bare thighs before he shuts his laptop again and stands, picking up his keys off the side table.

“I’ll take you home,” he says.

I try to ignore the sinking feeling of disappointment as I slip on my shoes. We’re halfway down the hall to the elevators when he suddenly stops.

“Do you have a coat?” he asks.

I’m so completely taken aback by the question that I can’t even answer, just shake my head no. He scowls a little deeper and doubles back, darting into the apartment and reappearing with a navy-blue York U hoodie.

“Up,” he says, sounding annoyed.Moody motherfucker,I think, but I raise my arms, and he pulls it on over my head. I’m drowning in it, the bottom longer than the hem of my skirt, and he takes a step back to look at me.

He reaches out and grabs the drawstrings on the hoodie, yanking them so I fall towards him, his other hand fondling one of the sleeves hanging way past my hand.

“Might get used to this,” he says quietly, and then he drops his head and kisses me senseless.



It takes everything I’ve got to let her get in that elevator. I want to throw her back into my bed, handcuff her in there and fuck her a hundred more times, come on every inch of her skin,watch her pass out again.

I’d woken up maybe an hour after dozing off, surprised to find her on her side and curled into my chest, my arms wrapped around her, and my nose buried in her hair. I’d been afraid to wake her, but I had shit to do. Turns out I didn’t have to worry; I could have played live trumpets into a microphone, and she wouldn’t have moved.

I spent the majority of the day ignoring my hard-on and trying to work, checking on her every half hour or so. Her phone kept buzzing, going off incessantly, but I refused to look at it.

It goes off again in my back pocket, and I pull it out, handing it to her.

She doesn’t take it, narrowing her eyes at me instead.

“You still never said how you got my number.”

“I told you, I didn’t,” I say, annoyed as it’s buzzing non-fucking-stop now. “Can you take this? It’s been going off all day.”

She snatches it from my hand and glances down, visibly paling.

“Oh, shit,” she says under her breath, unlocking the screen and pressing the phone to her ear.

I grimace as an unfamiliar and deeply uncomfortable feeling settles in my gut.

“Is it your boyfriend?” I hear myself ask.Why am I asking her this.

“Shh!” she says.

I grit my teeth and crack my knuckles, incensed at beingshushedlike a fucking toddler.You’ll pay for that. Later.

“Hey,” she says into the phone. “No—I’m totally fine. I went to a party.” She pauses, cheeks flaming red, and turns away from me as if we aren’t in an enclosed space where I can hear every goddamn word she says. “I’m on my way home now.” She’s quiet for a minute. “Thank you. I owe you.”