He drops his mouth to my ear and runs his fingers gently over my neck.
“Night night, babygirl,” he whispers.
And then everything goes black.
She goes completely limp, passes the fuck out on my cock.
Now that’s an addictive feeling . . .
I ease out of her, and her legs fall open, her raw pussy exposed, and I’m shocked by the amount of cum that starts pouring out of her. I reach forward in awe, tracing her slit and catching it on my fingers, in my palm . . . I raise my hand and rub my fingers together, my cock giving a half-hearted kick as I realize how fucking hard I came.
I lay down beside her and listen to her breathing, but I can’t keep my hands off her, my cum still leaking out of her and onto the bed.
I reach down, hesitating for just a minute, before I start gently probing at her entrance, trying to catch it all and push it back inside of her.I still want to be in you.
She stirs, her eyes opening a crack, and I kiss her gently as my fingers keep pushing my cum back into her pussy.
“Hmmnng . . .” she mumbles.
“Sleep, baby,” I say, but she’s already out again.
Finally her cunt stops leaking, and I cup it gently. I don’t know how long I lay like that for, my forehead pressed to hers, my hand on her pussy, just watching her sleep. But eventually I start to nod off.
My mind drifts away, dreaming of soft skin and purple bruises.
I’m never letting you go.
I wake up for the second time today in a daze, only this time my body is pounding instead of my head. I feel like I’ve been run over by an eighteen-wheeler.
It seems I’ve been asleep all day, the sun low in the sky, the bedroom filled with an orange glow. I try to sit up and wince, all of my muscles screaming at me. I think I’ve pulled them all, inside and out.
I roll onto my stomach and push myself up, crawling to the edge of the bed and sliding off on my tummy. I hobble to the bathroom in search of the sweats from earlier but he’s already picked them up along with his T-shirt.Anal bastard.
I sigh and lean against the wall, embarrassed to admit my legs are shaking just from the short walk.
“I need a gym membership,” I mutter.
I hear a soft chuckle and blush at the sound, biting my bottom lip and wincing again. It’s puffy, sensitive, and sore from all the kissing.
“I think you broke me,” I grumble, turning around and crossing my arms over my chest, still very unused to being so casually naked.
He’s grinning, his eyes twinkling, and he looks . . . lighter, somehow. More mischievous.
“Good,” he says, his voice warm as he steps into me, pulling me against his chest and resting his chin on my forehead. I glance at him in the mirror, and he looks unusually relaxed. Thoughtful, but relaxed.
I pause for a moment and can’t help but think about that girl—Tanya—and how much she’d been salivating over him the entire time we talked. She went on and on about how he must have a tiny cock, because nobody with a face that perfect could be hung.
I smile to myself and admire his shoulders and the curve of his biceps. He looks different, somehow. He seems different. Gentle, almost.
I smirk to myself, because my screaming body has alotto say about James and the wordgentle.