SMACK!I yelp and scoot forward, eyes flying open and ass stinging.
“Don’t roll your eyes,” he says.
I stick my tongue out at him and his jaw clenches.
SJ sighs and turns to head down the hall. “Whelp, that’s my cue to leave,” she says. She blows me a kiss. “Don’t forget you’re the smartest one in the room!”
James narrows his eyes at her but she’s already fluffing off and around the corner, attracting the attention of many-a lacrosse player.
“Be nice,” I say to him. “You wanted to impress her, once upon a time. Remember?”
“I’ve never wanted to impress anyone but you, baby,” he murmurs, catching my elbow and steering me into the classroom.
“I want you two to get along.”
“We do.”
“Just once, could you—”
He spins me around and pushes me against his desk, my body bowing backwards as he grabs a fistful of hair and kisses me—hard—like half a morning apart was too long.
I push him away a little and try to catch my breath. “Stop distracting me from this conversation—”
His hand finds its way between my legs and my hands slacken. He smiles against my mouth and presses his hips into me. I can feel his cock—hard,alwayshard for me—on my thigh as he grinds the heel of his hand into my pussy, rubbing me through my jeans.
“I’ve been thinking about you all day,” he murmurs.
“It’s not even lunch,” I gasp.
He bites my lip and I yelp, but he’s already kissing it, licking it, soothing it with his mouth.
“Be my TA,” he says. His voice sounds husky, a little bit desperate. “Finish this semester and then be my TA.”
“I can’t go all day without seeing you. Not anymore. Not after this summer…”
His lips slide to my throat and he starts to suck, gently, softly, his hand grinding harder into me and his hips matching as he rubs his dick against my leg like a horny teenager. My hands slide into his hair and I rub my thumbs over his temples—he’s got a little bit of grey, there—and smile.
“It’s not a good idea, James.”
He sucks a little harder. “Why not?”
My breathing is fast, shallow, my pussy clenching against his hand. “Because you’re a math professor, not a porn director.”
“Maybe they’d actually learn something…” he grumbles.
I tip my head back and laugh and he pauses, his whole body still, as he pulls back and looks at me. He’s staring at me like he’s hungry. He’s staring at me like he’s never seen me before. He’s staring at me like he just won the fucking lottery.
“Hem hem…”