Page 31 of Tenure

You’re lucky I like your spankings or you’d regret saying that

Fuck you, Kiernan

You know you love me xo

As soon as I hit send I freeze, mortified beyond words that I just text him that.Oh my God, oh my GOD, he’s never going to fucking talk to me again. OH MY GOD.I feel like I’m going to be sick. I have never been so embarrassed in my entire life. But then my phone buzzes again.

Careful what you wish for

I shudder, my entire body wracked with pleasure, my aching pussy clenching, already greedy as fuck for more. I smile to myself as I save him in my phone asProfessor J.I spend the rest of the evening studying and fall asleep late that night with my hand between my legs and his name on my lips.



My Friday morning tutorial group is . . .okay.Not many students make it this far in the program and this bunch hasn’t been entirely useless. Since there’s so few of them we usually just meet at one of the campus pubs so I can actually eat. I always schedule as many lectures as I can on Fridays because the only students who bother to show up are the serious ones, but it leaves me short on time for food.

I’ve been answering their questions about rational inequalities for the better part of half an hour. They’re good questions,fairquestions, and for once I don’t really mind answering them, although I can’t help but compare them to Kiernan. These kids probably have what—five, some of them six?—years of education on her, and I’d bet she’d blow every one of them out of the water. Watching her learn was almost as hot as watching her come.

I patiently run through another sample, turning a notebook around and circling the part that . . . fuck, what’s this girl’s name . . . Denise? Got wrong.

“Here. It’s this. Fix this and everything else will balance. The rest of your work looks good.”

I take a bite of my sandwich and then realize the table has been silent for well over a minute.

“What?” I ask.

The group all look sideways at each other, and I glance down at my shirt.Did I spill mayo or something?

“Are you okay, Professor?” someone asks. I stare at her and then look at Denise whose mouth is hanging slightly open. It’s making me feel bristly.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” I snap.

Someone clears their throat, but I’m distracted by my phone vibrating on the table. I turn it over and can’t help it—my lips twitch.Kiernan.I swipe the screen as I put it up to my ear.

“Can this wait?” I say in greeting. “I’m busy.”

“Who are we torturing today? People or animals?”

Little shit.“You,if you don’t tell me what you fucking want.”

“Just wanted to make sure you were still an asshole is all,” she says.

I scowl, wiping at the condensation on my glass. “I don’t have time for this. I’m teaching people shit.”

She laughs and my cock twitches under the table.So pretty.

“So, definitely still an asshole then.”

“For you, baby, always.”

I hear her sharp intake of breath and blink, surprised at myself for calling herbabylike this. Dropping it in bed in the dark is one thing, but in casual conversation on the phone in front of half a dozen students?

I look up at them and pause, all of them openly staring at me, several downright gaping.

“Call me later?” she asks.
