Page 32 of Tenure

“Please, daddy?”

I close my eyes and send up a silent prayer.I was not mentally prepared for this right now.

“Yes, I’ll call you later. Now fuck off.”

She laughs again and hangs up, and I find myself staring down at the black screen wishing she hadn’t.

“Professor?” Josh says.


“Marry her.”

They all rumble in agreement.

“I’m failing all of you, you know,” I gripe, and they chuckle.

But the only laugh I can hear is hers.




Fuck. Me. The man is full of surprises.

I’d called him on a whim between classes, tired of checking my phone for a text that clearly wasn’t coming. I hadn’t expected him to answer. And Idefinitelyhadn’t expected him to call mebaby.

SJ is staring at me as I walk into English, the only class we have together. I avoid eye contact as I take a seat and pull out my stuff.

“Nice hoodie,” she says.

“Shut up.”

“Did you finally french kiss a boy, Kiernan?” she mocks.

“I’ve kissed a fucking boy before, you asshole.” But I’m blushing, because apart from Connor that one time, and the gross kiss with Graham at the party on Wednesday night, I actually haven’t. Not really. Notproperly,now that I know whatproperlyfeels like.

“Kiernan . . . did youmorethan french kiss a boy?!”

I say nothing, letting my hair fall like a dark curtain between us. She pinches the back of my arm, and I yelp as the teacher walks in, waving his hand for everyone to hush.

“What did you do?”she hisses at me.

“Nothing,” I whisper.

“You’relying.Why are you lying?”

“Sarah-Jean!” Mr. Moore snaps. “Care to share with the class?”

SJ shuts her mouth and grits her teeth. I know I’m in for an inquisition as soon as she’s able, so I tap out a quick message.

My friend is asking questions. I don’t know what to tell her

I bite my lip, worried he’ll bepissed,but not sure what else to do.

Tell her you got fucked so hard you passed out