She’d been many things in life, but a coward hadn’t been one of them until now.

Anna came to a stop, stepped away from Brigette, and walked toward Zar.

He straightened as she approached, his eyes softening as she got closer. She’d seen that expression on the faces of family members of people she’d operated on. A desperate hope for good news.

She stopped a couple of feet away from him and sank down to one knee, headless of the fancy gown she was wearing.

Her breathing sounded too fast in her ears.

“Anna?” He sounded confused and worried.

She’d done that to him. She’d made him feel that way.

“Will you marry me?” she asked.

A gasp went from throat to throat around the room.

That’s when she realized how silent the onlookers had become and that many of the people nearest them probably heard her presumptuous question.

Zar didn’t seem put out, but he didn’t move, either.

“Are you sure?” he asked in a low tone that didn’t carry. “Be sure, Anna.”

“I love you,” she said a little louder than before.

His face lit up. He reached for her, and she was in his arms the next moment as he was whispering, yes, yes, yes in her ear.

He pulled back a bit, reached into his jacket, and pulled out the Ice Blue diamond ring. He slipped it onto her finger, and the room burst out in thundering applause.