“Do you understand this may cause waves between the families?” my dad asks, but he doesn’t sound upset. So that’s a good thing, right?
“I know it’s not what you had planned. And yes, I’m aware that it could cause some issues. But it’s what both Mia and I want. This is our life, don’t you think we have the right to choose how we live it?” I’m pushing it, I know how this world works. Still, if I can get him to see reason, what‘s the harm?
I love my parents, I do. However, if I had to choose between staying a part of this family and the money that comes with it, or being happy with Sadie, then I chose Sadie.
Maybe I’m a fool to think this could be a forever thing, but I can have hope, right? Because no one has ever made me feel loved and seen as much as she has. She’s perfect for me, someone I didn’t know I needed in my life until I met her.
“Is there someone else?” Mom asks.
“Kind of.” I lick my lips. “It’s new, but I love her. I want to see where things go. And hopefully, there’s a long future ahead of us.”
“Who?” my father asks, eyes narrowing. This is the hard part. It’s not uncommon within our society to change marriage contracts as long as the person that is doing the replacing is equal to or greater in value then the previous. I know, fucked up, right? Parents trading their kids like their trading cards.
“Sadie Evans.”
“Evans? As in Erin Evans’ daughter?”
“Yes.” I nod my head.
His eyes light up, and I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing. “Huh.” He sits back in his chair, nodding his head. “Well, then.”
“William, do you know what this means?” Mom’s eyes brighten, too.
“What does what mean?” I ask, looking between the two of them.
“Nothing to concern yourself with.” He waves me off. “I will give you my support to end your engagement with Mia, but only for Miss Evans.”
“Really?” My brows shoot up. “That’s... wow. Okay, yeah. Thanks.”
“I’ll get a new contract drawn up and send it over to Mark.”
“Wait, what?” My brows furrow. “Dad, no. No contracts. Please. As soon as Sadie catches wind of one, she would take off running. Please. I just want things to grow naturally between us.”
“And what if things don’t work out, then who are you to marry?” He counters, starting to get annoyed. Shit.
“If things don’t end up going the way I’d like with Sadie, and we go our separate ways, then I’ll agree to see some woman of your choosing in hopes that something more could come from it. But I meant what I said. I want love, I want a choice.”
“And you love Sadie?” Mom asks.
“I do.”
“And does she love you?” Dad asks.
“She does.” I smile. I have no doubt that she does. Sadie isn’t the type of girl to be throwing around those words, and I’ve seen it in the way she looks at me. She’s loving, caring, and amazing. She treats me with understanding and patience. Doesn’t make me feel stupid or belittle me.
“Alright then. Let’s try things your way. You're still young.”
“Really?” I ask again, waiting to see if he’s going to throw anything else at me.
“Really.” He nods his head, smirking.
I’m in shock. “Okay, thank you.”
“Are you sure you can’t stay for supper?” Mom asks, getting up from the couch.
“I need to go to Mia’s and have a talk with her dad,” I tell her, and I’m surprised to see disappointment filling her eyes. “But how about Sunday? Maybe I can bring Sadie?”
Mom smiles. “I'd love that. Sunday, it is.”