Page 80 of Tormented Kings

“After, I felt like I cheated. So, right away, I told the others what happened.”

“Of course. Because you're a good person, Sadie.” Alice laughs.

“Thanks.” I roll my eyes. “Anyway, everyone said the same thing, it wasn’t cheating in their eyes because everyone is so convinced that Preston and I are going to be together.”

“I mean, I could see it. The man clearly wants you,” Mia says.

“He does; he’s admitted as much. Anyways, he’s got his own personal stuff to work through. That's not where I’m going with this, though.”

“Okay, where are you going then?” Emma asks.

“When I told Grayson, he admitted that he already knew.”

Mia’s brows furrow. “How? Did he show up or something and watch?”

“Not exactly. He did watch. But he wasn’t in the tower when he was watching.” My cheeks are full on flaming right now as understanding dawns on Alice.

“Oh my god. Are you telling me he has a camera hooked up or something?”

“Yeah,” I say hesitantly.

“So he’s been watching you?” Emma asks.

“He says he put the camera up years ago to make sure that the tower wasn’t messed with because he knew how much it meant to me.” I still don’t know how he knew that, seeing how we’ve never really had a conversion before this year and never shared enough words for me to open up to him about places that had meaning to me. But I’ve come to learn there’s a lot that Grayson just knows about me.

“That’s sweet,” Alice says. “Right?”

“How do you feel about him watching without you knowing? Do we need to kick his ass?” Emma asks seriously.

“No,” I sigh, hiding my face. “If it was anyone else, I’d be pissed. I’d feel violated. But...”

“But you don’t?” Mia asks, and I can hear the amusement in her voice. “Damn, Dee. You're more kinky than the three of us put together. And here we thought you were Miss Milli Vanilli. You like it, don’t you? The idea of him watching you as Preston fucked you.”

“Yes, okay, yes.” I groan. “What is wrong with me?” I sigh heavily. “Why does the idea of him watching me make me so damn hot!”

“Nothing’s wrong with you, babe.” Emma laughs. “We all have our kinks. Some more than others.” She raises a brow at me with a smirk, and I flip her off. “Hey now, I’m not judging. I’m honestly proud. Our girl is all grown up.”

“And full of cock.” Mia snorts.

“Oh my god, you guys are the worst.” I throw popcorn at all three of them. They laugh, dodging it.

“It’s like a dark romance. Next thing you know, you’re going to find out Grayson has been stalking you for years, watching your every move. That he has a whole set up in this very house with cameras where he sits and jacks off to you pleasuring yourself alone in your room, calling out his name as you cum.” Emma literally says all of this as if this is some fairytale dream idea. “Oh, or he’s going to come into your room one night, kidnap you, and chase you through the woods with a Ghostface mask.”

“You’re fucking nuts.” I snort. “Never going to happen. Because this is the real world, Emma, and people don’t actually do that.”

“A girl can dream, can’t she?” she asks.

“Are you really wishing all of that would happen to you?” I ask, laughing. “That poor shy Brent is really a stalker obsessed with you?”

Her eyes light up. “You don’t think he is, do you?”

“Oh my god.” I burst out laughing.

“Knock knock!” Grayson’s voice calls through the other side of the door as he knocks on it. “Safe to come in, or are all of you in your underwear having a pillow fight?”

Mia snorts. “Come in!” she calls out.

“Ohhh, it's him,” Emma teases.