Page 79 of Tormented Kings

I swing a glare her way. “Because it’s the anticipation. You never know what's going to happen, who’s going to pop out, or if someone's going to die.”

“Babe,” she raises a brow. “It’sThe Conjuring.You’ve seen this movie a million times. You should know what to expect by now.”

“Whatever,” I grumble as I grab handfuls of popcorn and shove it back in the bowl.

“Can’t say that about the haunted houses anymore, can you?” Emma taunts in a teasing tone. “Don’t think we didn’t hear you scream your head off behind us in that last house. I can’t believe you finally got scared, and we missed it. I wonder if they havecameras set up, and if they do, how much it would cost to get the footage.”

“Oh, yes!” Mia cheers. “We have to try.”

“Stop it.” I laugh. “I blame it on Declan. He distracted me. If he didn’t have his hands all over me, making my mind turn into goo by his touch, then I wouldn’t have gotten caught off guard.”

“So you admit it!” Alice boasts.

“Yeah, yeah.” I roll my eyes.

“Are you gonna tell us where you and Declan went afterwards? We thought you got lost from the group but Grayson told us to stick around and wait after he got a text.”

“Ahh.” My cheeks blush. “We took another way around.”

“You snuck off to fuck, didn’t you?” Emma demands, grinning from ear to ear. “Damn, my girl is turning into quite the exhibitionist, aren’t you.”

“Stop it. I am not.” I grin, throwing a piece of popcorn at her.

“Really? Are you sure about that?” she laughs. “Let’s see. There’s the time Grayson finger fucked you outside the school, then the time you fucked Collin in the utility closet, then with Grayson again in the school stairwell. Now getting fucked behind a building at an amusement park.”

“Those are not the only places.” My cheeks grow a deep red.

They all gape at me. “Girl, spill. Please!” Mia pleads.

I groan, flopping back on the bed. “Collin and I had sex in his office the other day. It was like the moment we saw each other, there was a spell that had us clawing each other’s clothes off.”

“Shoot,” Emma sighs dreamily. “Did he spank your ass and call you a naughty girl?”

“No.” I roll my eyes.

“Shame. That’s a missed opportunity to play teacher and student fantasy.” Alice laughs.

“Where else?” Mia asks.

I bite my lower lip, thinking about the tower. And the fact that Grayson watched the whole thing on camera.

“Can I ask you something?” I ask them, moving to sit up again, nerves starting to surface.

“You can ask us anything,” Emma says seriously.

“You can’t make fun of me or laugh at me, okay.” I give them all a stern look.

“We would never do that. You know we wouldn’t,” Mia reassures.

I know they wouldn’t. But this is all new to me. They’ve always been open about their sex lives, so with me, who didn’t have one, I didn’t have much input. The more I spend time with the guys, the more I learn about myself and what I enjoy sexually. The kink list just keeps on growing.

“Preston and I had sex in the tower last week.”

“What!” Emma’s eyes go wide. “Really?”

I nod. “Details are not important.”

“Sure, they are.” Mia urges, but I shake my head. We’ve had this talk before. “Fine,” she pouts.