Page 46 of Tormented Kings

I knew that. I’ve always known that. If my father was alive, I think he would have the same views as my mother. He seemed like a good man and someone who was down to earth.

His life here was a lot like mine. Not born into it. Mom said he wasn’t like the men in this school.

I can’t help but wonder if he would be disappointed in me for the choices I made, not about school or my future career, but about the men I chose to love.

“You need to take your food and go into that room. Even if they’re working, there’s nothing wrong with you sitting there reading. Maybe you have some homework to do.” Emma grins.

“Yes! Guys love it when their girls get all jealous and possessive over them.” Mia nods.

“Aaah, no, they don’t.” Alice frowns. “One of the main things men complain about is their girlfriends being clingy.”

“Oh, hush.” Mia waves her off. “You're not helping.”

“You're a lesbian. How do you even know what guys like?” Alice asks.

Mia gives her a glare, and the two of them have this little standoff. There’s tension between them, and it’s getting thicker and thicker with every day that goes by.

I’m afraid that when they explode, it's going to be the best sex either of them has ever had; that or it will destroy everything.

“Look, your relationship is new and exciting. At least, it’s supposed to be. You should be spending time with them whenever you can. With school and their work, how much time have you seen them this week?”

“Not much,” I admit. Since Declan and Grayson walked me home that day, and we ended up... well, you know. I haven’t seen them outside of school. While Declan hasn’t been working at the Club, Grayson has.

Collin had been dealing with stuff regarding his father, and I haven’t seen him since our little lunch date. I’d be worried if it wasn’t for his all-day texting. Everything seems to be fine, but Emma does have a point.

“We’re going to be here, babe. Besties for life. We’re not going to be upset if you spend a little less time with us and more time with them. Plus, we have Halloween Horror nights this weekend and the party next weekend,” Emma reminds.

“I’m excited.” My face lights up. “This year is the year, I can feel it!”

Alice laughs. “You say that every year, but you still haven’t found a haunted house that could make you scream or even jump.”

“Not true. Last year there was that one house that made me jolt,” I correct her.

She gives me a deadpan look. “Oh, I’m sorry. You jolted,” she says sarcastically. “Meanwhile, these two screamed bloody murder while you're laughing your ass off.”

“Don’t forget her big smiles and waving to all the cast members.” Mia laughs. “I don’t get how you’re not afraid.”

“Seeing how if we pop out around a corner, you scream like a little bitch,” Emma teases.

“I don’t know.” I shrug. “I think it has to do with the fact I know going in that there will be people and other things jumping out at me. I’m on high alert. Also, if the scare goes off before us, like with the people in front of us, it loses its shock factor. With you three, I’m not expecting it, so, yeah, you scare the shit of me.” I laugh.

“Okay, so what you're saying is the three of us need to plan a surprise for you with the sole intention of making you piss your pants in terror.” Mia nods as if she’s answering her own question.

My eyes widen. “Hey, hey, hey.” I hold out my hands. “How about we don’t do that? Why would you want to do that? That sounds like a horrible time.”

“We’re just teasing.” Emma grins. “Or are we?”

Alice makes a ghost sound, and I chuck my piece of bread at her, making the three of them burst into laughter.

“I’m leaving and going to hang out with people who only want to protect me, not scar me for life.”

“Yeah, baby, get it,” Mia shouts, and I shoot her a panicked glare.

Grabbing my things, I make a hasty exit. I love them but, god, sometimes they are a little much.

Shoving my things into my bag, I head towards the Host Club room. But I stop when I get to the doors.

This is a bad idea, right? I don’t belong there. I should leave them be and let them do their own thing.