Page 45 of Tormented Kings

“I don’t know,” I mutter, picking at my food. “They still have a job to do. It’s only been a few days since we’ve talked about being something more.” I make sure to keep my voice low so people around us don't hear.

The idea of having a secret relationship isn’t ideal. I’d love to be able to just hold their hands, cuddle, and kiss them whenever I can, but it’s not that easy. It’s not just one guy, it’s three. And one of them happens to be my teacher... kinda.

And the other is my stepbrother.

The only one I’d be able to really be with out in the open would be Declan, but that's also not possible because he’s still engaged to Mia.

My best friend, who’s sitting across from me. It’s still weird when I really think about it. But this whole world is odd and complicated. As much as I don’t want to be a part of it, it seems I have no other choice. Between my best friends, Collin and Preston’s father and his bullshit, and the fact that the men I’m choosing to be with are heavily in this world, I’m not expecting it to change anytime soon.

“They’re still working in the Host Club?” Alice asks. “I mean, like, taking clients?”

“I guess? I haven't really asked or thought about it.” I blink, looking down at my food. Why didn’t I think about this before? The idea of them spending time with women, flirting with them, and letting them even think they have a chance with my men doesn’t feel good.

“Your men are in a club meant to entertain other women,” Mia huffs. “I say you go in there and stake your claim. Tell them to quit.”

“I can’t, and you know that.” I give her a look. “Don’t make it sound worse than it is. It’s not like they’re cheating on me. None of them do more than just flirt. And even if they kissed their clients in the past, I know Dec and Gray won’t do that.”

“Sure.” Mia nods. “My man is crazy about you.” She grins widely.

“Please don’t say it like that,” I groan. “I already think it’s weird.”

“Don’t worry, any day now, that boy is going to call up my parents and break the news. I just know it.”

“You think?” I chew on my lower lip.

“I do.” She nods.

“And you're okay with that? It’s not going to go over very well for you, is it?”

“Declan actually came to see me last night.” She smiles softly. “I told him that I wouldn’t let him go down alone. But he insisted.”

“Okay.” My brows furrow.

“He plans on taking the blame.”

“What do you mean?”

“He’s going to tell my parents he wants out of the marriage. That I’m a nice girl, just not the girl he wants. That way, my father can be upset with him, thinking he’s the one who doesn’t want me.”

My heart fucking melts. This man is amazing. My man is amazing. My man. Holy shit, this is getting more real every day. Declan is actually going to do it.

I know he said he would, but hearing words and seeing actions are very different things.

“Wouldn’t your dad just find you a new man to marry?” Alice asks.

“Probably. But I don’t think he’s going to do it overnight. He would need to take time to see what families would be a good fit and if they even have a son they could offer up.”

“You're not playing cards,” I mutter. “They can’t just trade you in.”

“Ah, my sweet girl. If only that wasn’t true.” She gives me a sad smile.

I feel bad for my friends. Their parents might not be monsters, but they’re forcing these kids to live by archaic standards. Everyone should be able to choose how they live their life, what they want to make of it. Who they want to love and spend it with. Not have it all planned out for them before they’re even able to walk.

It makes me happy to have a mom like mine. That’s all she ever wanted for me, to be happy, to make good choices, and be a decent person, That's all she expected of me.

When I told her I wanted to take over the business when she retires, she made sure it was something I wanted to do, not something I thought I was obligated to do.

I told her it was my choice, what I wanted. She was happy, but she made sure to tell me that she didn’t expect me to.