Page 58 of Snows Sinful Seven

I listen, laying back against the pillows. “You're here.” I’m unable to keep the pure joy off my face. “I missed you.” Tears well in my eyes.

“I missed you too.” She hugs me, and I cling to her like I’m afraid this really is all a dream, and when I wake up, she’ll be gone.

“How did you get here?”

“I was going mad without any news on how you were. So, while the palace was busy getting ready for some party, I snuck out through the tunnels.” She sighs, tucking some of her wild brown hair behind her ear. “Only, I got lost at the split in the path and ended up near your father’s study. When I finally got the door to open, I cracked it just enough to hear what was going on. I overheard your father and that Max guy talking. He told your father he’d taken care of you, gotten rid of the problem, and that he was now free to continue ruling without any threat of you taking the throne.” She swallows hard, shaking her head. “When I heard him, it was like I was the one dying. Everything hurt. My chest, my heart, my fucking soul.”

She leans forward and cups my face gently, eyes welling with tears. “There was a part of me that refused to believe it. I needed to see you myself, with my own two eyes. So I went back to the magic mirror. I demanded it show me you. And it did.” She laughs in disbelief. “It showed me you, here in this bed. I heard them say you were sleeping, not dead, and I felt so relieved. I went into the village and saw Mrs. Bark. She told me how to find you. And here I am.”

“You’re actually here.” Tears fill my eyes as I cover her hands with my own. She’s here. After weeks, she’s back with me, safe and away from my father.

My father who really did try to have me killed.

“So the King did this?” Dallas asks with an angry growl. “Of course he did.”

“Do you want to tell us how the hell this happened?” Gabe snarls, crossing his arms over his chest. “You were told to stay put. To not go into town without one of us. You did just that and look where it got you. Drugged, cursed, spelled—whatever the fuck that was. It was stupid, Snow. Very fucking stupid.”

His words hurt, but I refuse to shrink away. I stare back, determined to hold his gaze with angry tears.

“Gabe!” Brady barks, surprising me. He’s never one to raise his voice, but right now, I can tell he’s pissed at his brother. “Just moments ago, we had no idea if she was ever going to wake up. I know you were scared, we all were. But lashing out at her because you don’t know how to handle your feelings isn’t the way to go.”

“Look at you go, baby bro.” Henry grins. “You tell him.”

“Fuck off,” Gabe snaps at Henry.

“Enough!” Dallas shouts, making the whole room go quiet.

“I know what I did was wrong,” I speak up. “I made a poor choice, and it could have gotten me killed. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset anyone. I just needed more information on what's going on.” I look at Regina. “On how you were. If you were okay.”

“I was fine.” She smiles at me, taking my hand. “Just worried sick about you, going out of my mind not knowing.”

“So we got to suffer because you chose her?” Gabe waves his hand towards Regina. “Real fucking nice.”

My brows furrow. “I don’t understand. I’m sorry I upset you—worried you. I just... I didn’t think I meant that much....”

Brady sits forward. “You don’t think you meant much—anything—to us? Really?”

“Not really. I mean, yes, something. Clearly, we’re friends. I care about all of you deeply. But we just met. I... I didn’t know you cared like that,” I whisper. I feel like I’m missing something—something important.

“Stupid girl. Stupid, stupid,” Gabe grumbles, storming out of the room.

“Hey, asshole. How about you fuck off!” Regina shouts before looking at the rest of the guys. “What's your issue? Are all of you that much of a raging asshole? She almost died, and that fucker is being the biggest dick known to man.” She turns to look at me. “You’ve been living with these guys? For real?”

“They’ve been nothing but kind and welcoming to me since I’ve arrived,” I assure her.

“Even him?” She raises a brow.

I sigh and scrub at my face. “He has his moments.”

“We need to talk,” Dallas interjects, addressing the guys before turning to me. “There’s something we need to tell you.” I can’t read his emotions. Is this good? Is this bad? Are they going to kick me out for causing them trouble? Am I too much work?

“Hey,” his voice lowers as if he can sense my spiraling. “It’s nothing bad. At least not for us.” He chuckles softly. “But it’s about time, you know.”

“Know what?” I whisper, worry clawing at my chest.

“Come with me, my princess.” Henry grins before scooping me up. “I’ll carry you to the couch. It’s too cramped in here.”

His scent settles over me, and I relax in his arms. As he carries me out of the room, I look around to make sure Regina’s following.