“Don’t worry, princess. I’m not leaving your side anytime soon.” She smirks up at me, appearing at Henry’s side. Her smile settles my soul. All the worry I’ve been consumed by since the moment I left the palace is gone. She’s here. She’s safe.
I’M GAPING AT ALL OFthem right now. Lips parted, eyes wide, and a loss for words.
Mates. Omega. Heats.
I’m in shock.
“That’s it. We broke her,” Henry sighs.
“Shut up,” Sullivan mutters.
“She’s okay,” Sterling says. “Right, Snow?”
“I’m... I’m... I–it’s a lot to take in.” I blink rapidly, the words still processing inside my mind.
“Let me get this straight,” Regina says, sitting next to me on the couch. “You’re saying she’s your mate. Like all six of you? What does that mean?”
“It means that our souls are connected. That the gods fated us together. It’s an unbreakable bond. It’s a lot more powerful for us than it is for Snow because we’re full lycan,” Dallas answers.
“Is that why I’ve been having these feelings?” I ask, rubbing at my chest.
“You’ve been feeling something for us?” Henry asks with sparkling excitement in his eyes.
“Yes.” I nod, a blush creeping over my cheeks. If we’re telling our truths, it’s only fair I tell mine. “I like you. All of you.” I look around them. “I feel safe when I’m around you. Something inside me lets me know everything will be okay. That this is where I’m supposed to be, who I’m supposed to be with. It’s something I can’t explain.”
My heart skips a beat when I see a smile spread on each of their faces. All but Gabe, who just sits there like the grumpy bum he is.
“So, I’m an omega?”
Another thing I’m having trouble processing. I know what an omega is, but the only thing I know about them is they’re found in shifters and monsters. It’s not a human thing. Is it?
“Yes,” Gabe grunts.
“How is that possible? I’m a human?”
“You are. But you're not,” Sterling says.
“It means that you must have lycan or some sort of shifter in your bloodline,” Sullivan adds.
“Wow,” I whisper, blinking down at my lap. My head is throbbing. “This is so much to take in at once.
“We can go into more detail tomorrow or another day about what it means to be an omega,” Dallas insists. “You’ve been through a lot. You should rest.”
“I’ve been asleep for hours; I’ve slept enough.”
“Ah, not hours, babe,” Henry corrects, rubbing the back of his head.
“What do you mean? How long was I sleeping?”
“Days,” Brady whispers.
“What?!” I jump to my feet. Bad idea because a rush of dizziness hits me hard, and I groan, swaying on my feet. Everyone moves at once to help me.
“What does this mean?” I ask, looking between the six of them.
“What does what mean?” Gabe asks.
“Me being your mates,” I whisper, hating the uncertainty in my voice. “What does it mean for you? For us?”