Springing to my feet, I cup her elbows. “Come.”
I position her at the foot of the four-poster bed that’s large enough to accommodate six people. “Put your hands together in front of you.” I jingle her handcuffs in the air. “Another time.”
I snatch the rope from the bed, wrap one end around her wrists, and tie the other around the carved beam on the top of the oak structure.
“Magnificent.” I claim her mouth, covering her sex with my palm, scraping her folds with a finger.
Stepping back, I lick my digit before retrieving the brush and her blindfold from the bed. I raise the silk to the level of her eyes.
Her ragged breathing catches in her throat, and she spouts, “Won’t you take your clothes off?”
I return blindfold and brush to the bed, before pinching her nipple. “Speak only when spoken to.”
She squints her eyes, pressing her lips into a thin line.
I stretch the hard nub until she whimpers. I lather the offended spot with my tongue until she moans, rubbing her thighs together. The sweet smell of her arousal feeds my craving.
“That’s a good girl,” I purr. “Know what you get for good behavior?”
She shakes her head. My blood zings through my veins. “Such a quick study.” I hold her ass in place, poking her sex with my erection through the rough material of my slacks. She gasps. I smile. “You may use words to answer my questions.”
“I don’t know.” She groans when I thrust my hip up. She adds, “Sir.”
My cock aches for her, but this is about her training, not my satisfaction.
I grab the brush and the strip of silk again. “When you’re a good girl, I give you orgasms.”
Her sudden intake of air as I tie the blindfold makes my lungs burn. If I don’t take a breather, I’ll unload in my pants, which hasn’t happened since I was a teen. I step back. She claws the rope binding her to the bed as her head snaps right and left as if she were trying to get her bearings.
In a whisper, to calm her, I promise, “I’m here. I won’t let anything harm you.” She turns her face toward me, breasts bouncing with erratic breathing. I step closer, adding, “At first, sight deprivation might frighten you.” I touch her ear with my lips. “But dark heightens the sensations.”
She nods, but a muscle twitches on her jaw. I graze her earlobe, while dusting her nipples with the brush, and tapping her clitoris with two fingers.
She jerks away.
I graze her neck. “Stay still. I don’t want to punish you. That’s not my kind of kink.”
Christine freezes, heaving.
Kissing her lips, I change tactics to something more familiar to her. She sighs, relaxing her taut muscles. I palm her breast, rolling a nipple between my fingers. She moans, rubbing her sex against my thighs. As I suck her tongue, I stroke her clitoris with the thick brush.
Christine jumps, shouting at the top of her lungs, “Boston!” Threshing at the rope binding her, she wails, “Stop!”
Gasping at her despair, I drop the brush, yanking at the rope to untie the knot, but my fingers fumble with it.
She bawls, kicking the air in front of her. “I can’t see, damn it! Get this fucking blindfold off me.”
My ears buzz as blood courses through my veins. I unfasten the silk that glides to the floor. “I’ve got you,” I whisper, freeing her from the rope.
She rubs her fingers around her wrists, tears streak her cheeks. “I can’t. I can’t,” she mumbles, looking about herself.
I scoop the underwear and dress from the floor, offering them to her. She grabs the leather dress, sliding her arms into the sleeves. I hold her trembling fingers as they fight the zipper, but she shoves my hands away. “Don’t touch me!” Her screech curls my blood, breaks my heart.
I plop on the chair, eyes on her face, and murmur, “Christine.”
She shoves her wrists in my face. “Despite my grief, I do live in light, as you put it.” She zips up, her distraught gaze guts me, tears drip from her chin. “Now, you want me to turn my back to the light, to choose your darkness.” She shakes her head. “I can't. The shadows will kill my soul.”
Her words carve new holes in my battered heart. Unable to articulate thoughts, I repeat, “Christine.”