She gazes into my eyes, reaching inside my soul. My stomach churns at the pain swirling in her hazel stare. Worrying her lips, she blinks, shaking her head. “You were right earlier. Enough talk of darkness.”
A soft knock on the door sounds before Mrs. Giry opens it. “Dinner is served, sir. Ma’am.”
When Mrs. Giry cleans the last plates, I lean against the leather padding of the chair, holding Christine’s hand, gliding a thumb on her knuckles. “I’ve got something to show you.”
She dips her head, an intense blush colors her cheeks. She gazes at me, without raising her head. “I’ve brought something for you too, bought it last week. It’s in my purse.”
I stand to my feet. “Grab it.”
Her sharp intake of air at my firm command sparks a fire that scorches my skin. With a hand on the small of her back, I guide her to the basement, past the rehearsal room to a locked door. I slide a key into the knob, turn it open, and step aside, inviting her in with a wave of my hand.
She gasps, surveying the custom-made playroom. Her fingers smooth the black velveteen on a St Andrew's cross. “It shines like new.” She sniffs the rack of whips. “It smells new.”
I guffaw, “I had it built last week.”
She snaps her head around, gawking at me. “I thought you already were into the lifestyle?”
“I am. But I’ve never brought a woman to my home, my haven.”
The rose on her cheeks turns raging red. She opens the purse she’s been clutching, and fishes a black, silk blindfold, and matching plush handcuffs. My cock salutes her forward-thinking. She deposits the objects on my outstretched hand, and the purse on a nearby table. I put her gifts on the bed, beside a wrapped rope and a shaving brush I had arranged earlier.
Holding her stare, I explain, “In a top-bottom relationship, the dominant must earn the trust of their submissive, which takes time.” I lace my fingers through hers. “I couldn’t wait to train you, so I burned many steps. We’ll have to take a leap of faith for this to work. I’ll go first.” From the top of an oak chest of drawers, I grab some papers, showing her my copy of the NDA. “You haven't signed yours, correct?”
She shakes her head, wide-eyed.
“Good.” I smooch her half-opened mouth and rip the document in two. “We don’t need it. Except for the part about you submitting to me, which I added that for your safety. Now we can cover it as we go. Sounds good?”
She nods, gazing at her hands.
“With words,” I order her, under my breath.
She snaps her eyes to mine at hearing my tone. They sparkle like fireworks, a crease form between her eyebrows. Her nostrils flare, but she replies through gritted teeth, “Fine.”
Promising. I step behind her, draping my right arm under her chin, pulling her back until her head rests on my chest. I smirk against her hair, prompting her, “Sir.”
“Fine.” Her throat works a hard swallow. “Sir.”
“Good girl,” I murmur into her ear.
Splaying my fingers on her midriff, I keep her in place as I nestle my erection between her ass cheeks. She hisses, her heartbeats spike under my palm, a vein throbs on her neck.
“First, a safe word.” I sink my teeth into her earlobe.
She groans, slumping against my body.
My heart pumps lava through my veins, melting my bones. I sway our bodies as if we were dancing to mask the wobble in my knees. I glide my tongue along the shell of her ear, murmuring, my voice grating, “Pick one.”
Without hesitation, she chooses, “Boston.”
I forget to breathe at her choice of the place we first met.She’ll be my ruin.
Regaining control, I release her. She staggers, steadying herself while I drag a winged chair to the middle of the room, taking a seat. “Strip.” Her fingers flutter around the zipper at the front of her minidress, blushing. I smile. “Just slide it down.”
She glances at my dick tenting my slacks. Her fingers don’t shake now as she unhooks her bra, shimmies out of her panties. She stoops to unfasten her high heels.
I bark, “Leave them.” Crooking a finger, I summon her to stand between my legs. I point to my crotch, where my cock bulges the black cotton of my pants. “You alone can do this to me.”
The mix of innocence and heat in her smile makes my erection twitch. I bury my tongue in her belly button, nipping the thin skin. Her legs buckle.