Page 60 of For Now

I needed to get back to Emma’s and then to the bridge as fast as I could. I only had one hour to make this happen. I only had one hour to change mylife.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Here I was,standing on this little bridge for the second time in my life, hoping with everything I had that he found the note and would show up. At least I didn’t look like a bum anymore. I managed to grab a shower and even put a dress on. My hair was actually cooperating and I had thrown some makeup on. Now, I just had to wait. I checked my watch. 4:55 p.m.Well, the note did say5…

I clutched the folded piece of paper in my hand and looked around but there was nothing, no movement at all. I leaned over the bridge and watched the water ripple over the rocks, causing tiny bubbles to foam up around them. I grabbed a leaf from the overhanging branch and dropped it in. The water carried it away down the stream until it disappeared from my sight. I checked my watch again. 4:57 p.m.Christ on a cracker, this is excruciating.I took a look around but still sawnothing.

There was always the possibility that he wouldn’t show up.He would, wouldn’t he? I mean, over the last couple of days, it seemed like there was still something. What if he didn’t actually want this though? What if he thought about it and decided it was a bad idea? He did leave earlier instead of staying. Didn’t he hear it in my voice? Didn’t he know I wanted him tostay?

I checked my watch again. 5:01 p.m.Oh, god.I frantically looked around, searching for any sign of him approaching. I propped my elbows on the edge of the railing and sank my face into the palms of my hands. This was a disaster. A complete and total disaster. I didn’t know why I ever thought this would be a goodidea.

“Hello, Delilah.” I heard from over myshoulder.

I stood up and turned to him. Samuel was walking toward me, hands in his pockets in that shy way he did, that bright smile across his face. I smiled back. “Hello,” Isaid.

“So…what are we doing here?” heasked.

“Well, I finally figured out the answer to that letter you wrote me. Do you remember?” Iasked.

“Of course I remember,” he said. He was standing in front of me now, so close I could smell his cologne. He was searching my face for theanswers.

“Do you remember what you asked me?” I asked, pressing my lipstogether.

“Can I stay?” he saidhesitantly.

I handed him the note. “I wrote you back,” Isaid.

Samuel looked down at the folded piece of paper. He looked back up at me. I motioned back toward the note, urging him to open it. He unfolded it slowly. It didn’t take him long to read it. In fact, it was only twowords.


He looked up at me, the biggest smile sweeping across both our faces. He wrapped one arm around my waist. His other hand cupped my jaw. He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine, soft at first, then harder. I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around him. I pulled at the fabric on his back. I leaned into him. This is where I was meant to be. This is where I alwaysbelonged.

He pulled back from me and gazed into my eyes. He brushed the hair from my face. Everything I needed to know was right here in thesemoments.

“Delilah?” hesaid.

“Yes?” I said, blinking slowly up athim.

“I plan to be right here with you for a lot longer than justfor now,” hesaid.

“For….always?” Iasked.

“For always is a good start,” Samuel said, leaning back in to kiss meagain.

Samuel did exactly what he said he was going to do, exactly what he had wanted to do this entire time. Hestayed.


Istood at the counter,rolling the stiffness out of my neck. I definitely didn’t sleep well last night. I poured hot water over the tea bag in my mug and rubbed my shoulder. I leaned over the counter onto my elbows and blew the steam from my cup. I took a careful sip, savoring the herbal notes. Everyone was still asleep and these quiet moments alone with my thoughts werecherished.

A lot happened in the last two years. I looked over at the wall across from the counter to sneak a look at my favorite wedding photo. Samuel wore a navy blue suit. I wore a champagne gown. We were in a field of wildflowers and the sun was setting behind us. It was the perfect day. Becoming a stepmother was pretty wonderful. I pick Mason up from school every day and have made it a habit to keep snacks on hand at all times. He likes snacks. We moved into our own house. Something didn’t feel quite right about just moving into his place and so we made the decision to find something we could call ours. Luckily, it wasn’t far from Emma, David, and baby Liv. We just celebrated her second birthday and being a part of her life was something I just couldn’t live without. After all, I’m AuntLilah.

I managed to put out three books since then. The last one in particular was very different than my usual writing. It was a love story and although my publisher advised against it, I went forward with it. They thought that given the fact I was established in the thriller genre, it would surely tank. Much to their surprise and mine, my fans loved it. It was the most successful release to date, launching my writing career to the nextlevel.

Everything was, in many ways, completely perfect. I ran my hand over my stomach. Almost everything, anyway. I heard a rustling from down the hall and Mason emerged, rubbing hiseyes.

“Good morning, sleepy head,” I said, running my fingers through his messyhair.