They sampled each offering and agreed that neither of them cared much for the wheat beer, and while they both liked theIPA and the Porter, they were split about which they liked most. It was fun to discuss the tastes and what they liked about each beer. It gave Mickey more insight into Jon and his tastes than he'd had before.
"So, I'da thought you more of a wine connoisseur," Mickey said as they sipped their beer.
Jon smiled, taking his hand. "Another ten-dollar word? I'm impressed. How'd you do on your practice test? When's the real deal?"
Mickey took a deep breath and let it out, offering a small smile. "Yesterday. I took it yesterday morning at New River Community in Dublin. I think I did well. On the practice test, I did pretty good, so my confidence was high. Miss Ruthie urged me to take it while everything was fresh on my mind, so I did. I'll get the results by the end of the month."
Jon smiled brightly at him. "Well, then we'll have to plan a celebration when you find out.” He took Mickey's hands in his, kissing the top of each of them.
"Well, it's not anything big to celebrate if I pass, but maybe you can come to the ranch for the weekend? If the news is good, I'd like you to be there to share it with me. If the news is bad, I'll need somebody to console me. Can you come to Holloway?" Mickey hoped the answer was yes.
Jon stood and walked around the table, plopping himself in Mickey's arms and on his lap. "I couldn't be anywhere else, sweetheart. I… I want to support you in everything you do, Mick. I've finally figured out something very important.” Jon paused before looking deeply into Mickey's eyes. "I'm in love with you."
Mickey was stunned for a moment because he'd never heard the sentiment from his biological family, which wasn't anything he worried over. In fact, he'd only heard the sentiment from his chosen family at the Circle C and the Katydid.
Mickey had definitely never heard the words from someone who he loved in a romantic way. Jackie never pledged his love, but Mickey was convinced Jackie was only with him so Mickey would take care of him. It made him feel cheap, but it was in the past.
He looked into Jon Wells' sage-green eyes and smiled. "I love you, too, Jonny. I think I have since you first showed up at the ranch. I don't say it lightly, trust me, because I haven't known a lotta love before I moved to Holloway, but you've made me feel confident enough to be able to let my guard down.
“When I did, you creeped right into my heart. Thank you, darlin’." Mickey leaned forward and planted a gentle kiss on Jon’s lips.
Just as things were about to become more passionate, there was a knock on the door. "Shit! That's the food." Jon hopped up and grabbed his wallet off the counter in the kitchen. A minute later, he walked back into the kitchen. "Come make a plate, Mick.”
Mickey padded into the large room in his bare feet and walked up behind Jon as he unloaded the food from the large, brown paper bags. "Smells fuckin' fantastic. Food smells good, too.” Mickey ran his nose up the side of Jon's neck. His hands had settled on Jon's hips, and he wanted so much to fast forward to the part where they were in bed together, but the idea of getting to know Jon better and spending time with him in his home was far too enticing to rush.
Jon spun in his arms and wrapped them around Mickey's neck. "How about we eat and watch the baseball game, and later we turn on some music and soak in the bathtub for a little while?"
Mickey couldn't resist. "I'd love to, Jonny. Tomorrow, I'm gonna take you and Audrey out for lunch, my treat. I need tomake a good impression on her because she's your best friend, and I need her stamp of approval.”
Mickey nipped at Jon's neck, gently biting the soft flesh under his ear. The soft moan he heard was reward enough.
The two men mounded their plates with ribs, coleslaw, pickled vegetables, and potato salad. Jon grabbed the bag with biscuits and corn bread muffins, and they went to the living room, taking seats on the floor to use the coffee table for their dinner spot. Mickey went back to the kitchen to get them each a beer—a good old Bud—and then they settled in for America’s past time. They ate wonderful food, laughing and chatting about things that came to mind while watching the baseball game.
Mickey told Jon about seeing the picture of Reggie's granddaughter, the teacher. Reggie had actually given him the young woman's phone number, but Jon suggested they wait to meet the teacher another time. He said it was too soon after Audrey's breakup, and he wanted to meet the granddaughter, Gina, first to see if he thought she'd have anything in common with Audrey.
Mickey agreed, and after the food was finished, they lay on the couch to allow the digestive process to take place while they watched more of the ball game.
Around ten, Jon got up and took Mickey's hand to lead him back to the bathroom. He turned on the water in the large, stand-alone tub and turned down the lights in the bathroom until there was a soft glow. Mickey reached for his man, kissing him gently. "I love you, Jonny. I never, ever thought you'd fall for me because I'm not sophisticated at all. I'm a simple man, but I don't lie. I don't cheat, and I don't steal. If you think you can put up with me, I'd really like to see where this goes.”
Mickey undressed the handsome man in front of him. Jon's golden-brown body made Mickey's mouth water. It was evident he took good care of himself.
After they were both naked and the tub was full, they got in and faced each other. "So, I did something you might not be too happy about but hear me out before you get pissed.” Jon’s comment put Mickey on edge.
He couldn't really imagine anything Jon could do that would anger him, so he nodded with a smirk, "Fire away, counselor."
Jon stood for a moment to push a button on a panel on the wall. Soft music started playing over speakers Mickey couldn't see. Next thing he knew, there were jets pulsing at his body, relaxing him more than he'd ever expected. He stretched out his legs as did Jon. They overlapped in the warm water, and as bubbles started to accumulate, Mickey counted his blessings.
"I asked someone to look for your parents.” Jon’s statement caught Mickey off guard. It was the last thing he expected to hear, and his system was somewhat shocked, such that he didn't react immediately.
Jon grabbed his hands to keep him grounded, he guessed. "I know, I know, you said not yet, but after I saw how upset Audrey was regarding her breakup, I realized how short life can be—or life as we know it. Anyway, I talked to a guy I use to look into things from time to time. I asked him to see if he could find their whereabouts based on the information you've given me in passing.
"Your mother, Lola, died three years ago. She was a heroin addict and contracted HIV which became AIDS because she didn't get treatment. She died from complications in a state-run hospice outside of New Orleans. Seems she moved there after you left Nashville. She used her real name, which is how Sammy was able to find her so easily.”
Mickey was sure he should feel something other than relief upon hearing the news, but his relationship with his mother ended when she tried to sell him to a man who was all too happy to take Mickey's virginity, even if it was against his will. Mickeylost it not long after the man's attempted raping of him, but it was on his terms, even if it wasn't what he thought it would be.
"Okay, um, what about Joey? Were you able to track him down?" Mickey asked, hoping there was similar news regarding the man who fathered him.
Jon sucked in a deep breath and nodded. "He's still alive, Mick. He lives outside of Nashville in a small house he rents with a girlfriend and a daughter. The girl's seven, and her name is Christina. Her mother's name is Maribel. Your dad's a handyman, and Maribel is a housekeeper. Christina goes to a Catholic school, St. Mary's, in Nashville. Sammy's got pictures and a report he'll drop off tomorrow if I call him. Only if you want it, sweetheart.