Mickey watched as Jon turned the knob and opened the door, stepping inside with Mickey's hand firmly in his. "Welcome to my home, baby.” Jon nipped at Mickey's neck and jaw, driving the younger man crazy.

Mickey wanted the full tour, but first some hungers needed to be fed—namely, his hunger for Jon's thick cock on his tongue. Mickey dropped his bag and knelt in front of Jon, pulling his shorts down as he went. He wasn't disappointed to learn Jon wasn't wearing anything under his shorts, and the man smelled faintly of soap, likely from his morning shower. The scent charged Mickey’s desire for the man.

"God, I've been thinkin' about doin' this all fuckin' day.” Mickey moaned as he ran his nose over the silky skin of Jon's thick cock and through the neatly trimmed thatch of hair surrounding the impressive member. His balls were clean-shaven, which turned Mickey on more than he'd ever thought it would. The last time when Jon had fucked him, they were covered in hair, so the soft, hairless skin was a nice surprise.

Mickey sucked Jon's long, hard cock into his mouth and began deep throating the man, remembering to breathe through his nose. He'd practiced with a banana when he was alone in the kitchen at the Circle C, and he'd made inroads in training his gag reflex.

Never had Mickey been with a guy who was as gifted as Jon, so he was damn well gonna take advantage of the opportunity to show off his new skills. He was reaping the fruits of his labor, so to speak, based on the moaning and groaning Jon was giving him as Mickey worked his man over.

A few minutes later, Mickey's diligence was rewarded when Jon released into his throat with a breathy, "Fuuuuck." Mickey was proud of himself for making Jon weak in the knees. He wanted to show the man he could be an attentive lover, and he hoped he'd started the night off right.

Jon pulled him up from his knees. "I missed you, too, baby. Kiss me."

Mickey didn't hesitate to share Jon's taste with him. It was so wonderful to feel the man's tongue swirling with his as they stood in the condo living room, Jon half naked but not seeming to notice or care.

Mickey squeezed Jon's bare ass as the two men continued to kiss. He hoped that sometime over the weekend, the two of them could make love, this time with Mickey topping the lawyer. They'd both admitted they were versatile. He prayed Jon was as on board with the idea of bottoming because Mickey had fantasized about it all week.

They'd spoken every night, and after they hung up the phone, Mickey would jack himself to the fantasy of his tight fist being Jon's hot channel. The anticipation was killing him.

The kiss ended. "Hmmm, that was quite a greeting, baby.” Jon’s face told Mickey the man appreciated the attention very much. Mickey's face was hot with excitement as well.

"I've been thinkin' about it for almost twenty-one days. So, should we taste those beers, or would you like me to take ya out for dinner first?"

Mickey didn't want to go anywhere, but he felt it was his place to offer to take Jon out since he was the guest. He wanted to spend time with Jon alone, but he didn't want to mess up their first official weekend together.

Jon reached down to his ankles to pick up his shorts, unbuttoning them so he could tuck himself in properly. "I was thinking maybe we could order some barbecue takeout and stay in tonight? Audrey wants to get together with us tomorrow if you're up for it."

Mickey nodded. "Sounds great to me. Where should I put my bag? I'd like to brush my teeth if that's okay?"

"Come on, cowboy. I'll show you to our room." Jon’s words made Mickey's heart pick up. He said our! Mickey’s brain was swimming. Maybe his visions of the future weren't getting too far ahead of Jon's.

It had been a struggle all week to maintain control over his emotions. Mickey didn't want to come across as a needy boyfriend, so he kept his thoughts to himself, though he truly thought of Jon every waking moment. However, he wasn't about to say it out loud. No good would come from that amount of honesty. It was definitely time to play shit cool.

After Mickey brushed his teeth and washed his face, he combed his newly shorn locks and smiled because he'd gone to see Mr. Reggie in Blacksburg for his new haircut. It was short on the sides and in the back, but the top was longer, which allowed Mickey to style it if he wanted. He raked his fingers through it, remembering Mr. Reggie asking him about the boys and Jonny.

"Now, that handsome young guy who brought y'all in, he your man?" Reggie asked him as he combed through Mickey's too-long hair.

Mickey looked into the mirror and met the gaze and bright grin of the older gentleman. "Yessir. We're just startin' out, but he's all I can think about. I'm not sure if he feels the same," Mickey confessed.

The man chuckled. "Now, I wouldn't worry if I was you. It took some brass ones for that boy to walk in here and introduce you as his boyfriend. A lot of people here in this community ain’t acceptin' of anything they term as not normal. Hell, a lot of my friends still have a hard time with a mixed-race couple. I just learned a while ago that it's better for my nerves and business if I learn to be open-minded about things, even if I don't understand ‘em outright.

"My granddaughter, Gina, she likes women, and I could sooner do without my heart than lose that girl, so I decided I'dlearn all I can about things that are new to me so I can support the people in my life who matter most, regardless of the issue."

Mickey saw an opportunity that might not come along again. "How old is your granddaughter?"

Mr. Reggie chuckled. "She's ‘bout your age, I ‘spect. She's teachin' school in Richmond. Fifth grade. It's some private, fancy school, but they know she's gay, and they don't hold it agin her. She can't find a nice girl to date, but she says it don't make no never mind ‘cause she loves her students. Myself, I'd like to have her meet a nice young woman.” The two of them laughed together, putting Mickey at ease. It was one of the best conversations he'd ever had, and his hair looked damn good as well.

Mickey walked back into the living room where Jon sat on the couch with the phone to his ear and a take-out menu on the coffee table in front of him. "Babe, what kind of ribs do you like? They got baby back, spare, and country style," Jon explained as he held his hand over the receiver mouthpiece.

"I like all kinds, Jonny. Oh, do they have beans? I love barbecue beans." Mickey sat down next to Jon, glancing at the menu.

"Maybe we get the beans next time?" The smirk on his face made Mickey laugh.

He hadn't thought of the side effects associated with beans. For their first weekend together, it was probably best to skip "the musical fruit," as the old rhyme called them.

After Jon finished ordering, he took Mickey's hand. "Come on, let's try some of this beer," he insisted.

They decided to try three of the bottles—one IPA, one Hefeweizen, and one Porter. They had funny names… Wreck the Halls, In Heat Wheat, and Polygamy Porter.