"You got it. Can I take him to bed now? It's late."
Mickey quickly finished the pots and let out the water, drying his hands. It was late and he was looking forward to climbing between the sheets of his queen-size bed to meet the lawyer in the middle, hopefully in their birthday suits.
The love he felt for Jon was palpable, and he prayed it would finally be the night they could officially consummate their relationship. It would make it real for him, which was exactly what he needed.
"Yeah. Lock the basement door so you don't have any unwanted guests.” Tim took Matt's hand and led him upstairs.
After Mickey rinsed the sink, he turned off the big kitchen light, leaving on a light over the sink. "You ready?" Mickey hoped he was hiding his nerves.
"I am. Are you?"
Mickey chuckled. "You betcha. Get down there and get nekkid. I'll lock up and meet ya in bed. I've been lookin' forward to this for ages."
Jon exhaled. "Looking forward to what?"
"I guess we need to talk some more, huh?"
Jon laughed as he walked down the stairs, and Mickey had no idea what to make of it, but he was determined to navigate whatever waters came his way. With Jackie, he'd been a top. He was prepared to bottom for Jon because he was sure the man was an alpha male who would demand to show Mickey who was boss. The only time he'd bottomed hadn't been exactly good, but Mickey vowed he'd go into the encounter with an open mind.
When Mickey closed the door to his room, seeing Jon relaxing against the headboard with his phone in hand, he didn't hesitateto step toward the bed. The man's chest was bare, and Mickey was hungry to caress the hard muscles with his tongue.
"Problem?" Mickey stripped off, starting with his trainers and working his way up.
Jon chuckled. "Just sending my assistant a message I won't be at work on Monday. I'm going to find a decent place for Rocky to get his hair cut. Plus, I'd like to spend more time with you if you don't mind. Since Matt seems to have accepted us as a couple, I was hoping I could ride the stallion."
A huge lopsided grin filled the lawyer’s face as he peeled back the blankets just enough to reveal a bare hip. Mickey almost dropped to his knees in grateful thanks.
"I'll go get Charlie from Marty's barn in the mornin'.” Mickey dropped his shorts and put his hands in the waistband of his boxer briefs.
Jon peeked under the cover before he gave Mickey a wicked smile. "Maybe I need a refresher?"
Mickey dropped his drawers so fast that he swore the bedspread ruffled from the breeze. He whipped his shirt over his head and as he was about to drop it, he remembered he needed to brush his teeth.
"Keep the thought, please, I'm beggin' ya.” He raced to the bathroom and hurriedly brushed his teeth before a quick touch-up shave and an even quicker cleaning of a few places in hopes it would make a difference before the night was over.
After he was happy with his appearance and smell, Mickey hurried back to the bedroom, locking the door on his way to the bed to ensure they'd have complete privacy. He took deep breaths to calm himself before turning to see Jon had shown no mercy.
He was lying on the bed with the covers bunched at his feet. His semi-hard cock was resting on his left hip as Mickey staredat the man's gorgeous body feeling completely dumbfounded. He’d never seen a man more beautiful in his entire life.
"We can't do what I'd like to do if you just stand over there.” Jon’s sexy smile brought Mickey out of his stunned silence.
He turned off the ceiling light and moved to the bed, reaching for the bedside lamp. Once it was illuminated, he opened the drawer of the nightstand to retrieve the same box of condoms and bottle of lube Matt and Tim had given him the night he met Danny and slept alone on the man’s couch.
"So, um, where were we?" Mickey lay on the bed and pulled Jon's muscular body to his, kissing the man with pent-up passion.
He reached between them and wrapped his hand around Jon's ample cock. He was so happy it perked up at his touch because he was concerned maybe Jon wasn't as attracted to him as Mickey was to the lawyer.
Their tongues swirled around each other, mixing cinnamon with mint. Mickey hadn’t tasted anything quite so delicious. Long fingers wrap around his own cock, and he couldn't help moaning at the delightful sensation.
Surprisingly, Jon pulled Mickey on top of him and the two began frotting their hard, leaking shafts together, clearly enjoying the friction. The kisses didn't stop and when Jon wrapped his fingers in Mickey's too-long hair, Mickey vowed he'd never cut it again as long as he lived.
"Fuck, Jonny," Mickey groaned as the man kissed across his jaw to his neck where he nipped and bit as the two of them continued to enjoy the friction provided by the pre-cum leaking plentifully.
"Mickey, baby, I don't know how much longer I can hold out. I've had a hard-on for you since I got here.” Jon kissed his way back to Mickey's waiting mouth.
"Oh! Oh, God, Jonny.” Mickey’s balls heated before drawing up closer to his body. Mickey felt Jon's arms around his shoulders, holding on as Mickey let his control crumble like a cookie. Jon's cock throbbed against his. He heard the "ahhh…. fuck" groan as they broke apart for a moment before cramming tongues down each other’s throats.
It was a way to keep from shrieking out in joy at the feeling of Jon's body relaxing beneath him. It wasn't what Mickey hoped to get that night, but it was a damn good start.