After catching their breath and sharing a few more soft kisses, they went to the bathroom, both laughing as they tried to keep from making a mess. They stepped into the roomy shower stall after the water heated and proceeded to gently wash each other as they continued to kiss and nip at each other's mouths… jaws... ears… necks, mindful of the injuries they'd suffered that morning.
When they got out of the shower, Mickey wrapped a large bath sheet around Jon before taking one for himself. "Darlin’, your face… You're gonna have a hard time explainin' that to your daddy come Tuesday."
Mickey felt terrible about what had happened that morning, but he was damn proud of Jon for trying his best to rescue him from what was sure to have been hell if those two idiots had actually tried to sexually assault him.
Jon sighed. "Thankfully, there's no permanent damage, but Mickey, please promise me if they try to do anything to get back at you for losing their jobs, you'll call me. I'll file police reports and whatever else is necessary to make sure they stay away from you. I'm not going to feel good about leaving you here when I go back to Richmond. Maybe you can come visit next weekend?"
"I'da been fine if it was just one of ‘em, but the two of ‘em made it tough. My ribs are sore, but I don't think nothin's broke.I'll keep ya apprised… a-p-p-r-i-s-e-d. Meaning: inform or tell.” Mickey grinned.
Jon chuckled. "Well, now, look at you, becoming the wordsmith. I'm really proud of you for getting your GED, Mickey. With it, you can truly do anything you want. Baby, I'll help you any way I can.”
Mickey’s chest swelled a little at the praise. "Tim tells me I need to clean up my grammar. I need to learn to speak more professionally. It's hard to break old habits, I'll tell ya… you.”
Jon smiled and kissed him gently as they crawled into the comfortable bed. "I don't want to dissuade you from your studies, but I've grown to love the way you speak. There's nothing wrong with embracing your southern roots, sweetheart. I work with a guy from South Georgia, Jackson Lee Tremont. You should hear him with the darlins, and sugars. He charms the ladies around the office, and he's as gay as the day is long. It cracks me up to be on a call with him when he's in full fluff. Throws off a lot of the straitlaced DC lawyers we deal with sometimes.” Jon’s laugh was something Mickey was coming to love hearing.
"Damn. Does he have the Stars and Bars hangin' on a wall in his office?"
Jon guffawed, pulling Mickey to rest on his bare chest. "Naw. You've met Ham. He'd have him strung up if he did. No, Jack's a good ol' boy, but he doesn't take it to extremes. Maybe sometime in the future we can get together with him and his partner, Monte. They're a fun pair, I promise you."
Jon finished off with a yawn and looked down at Mickey. "I'm sorry. I mean, we didn't get much sleep last night, but I did love hearing about your childhood. You sure you don't have any desire to find out what happened to your parents?" Jon had asked the question the night before, offering his help, but Mickey had been staunchly against it.
After considering the offer, Mickey softened a little. "Not yet, okay? Maybe someday."
Without waiting for an answer, Mickey settled onto his stomach with his arm over Jon's torso. They hadn't consummated their new relationship in the biblical sense, but maybe it was better to go slow? If Jon was still there in the morning, maybe they might fool around some more?
It bothered Mickey that he had to wonder if the lawyer would be there in the morning. With those thoughts swirling in his mind, Mickey drifted off into a fitful sleep. He did hate feeling unsettled.
Mickey woke at the gentle snick of the door closing. He rolled over to see the bed empty, and the panic set in immediately.
"Fuck me," he hissed. He started to get up, but if Jon was going to run again, Mickey refused to stand in his way.
"You knew it was likely gonna happen.” The clock said it was quarter of six, and he hoped Jon got the hell out of the house before Matt or Tim got up.
It would be awkward enough to explain the man’s absence when Mickey went upstairs, and they all saw Jon's sports car was gone. It was a one-night stand he'd promised Matt and Tim would never happen. Not only had the man broken his heart, but he’d also made him a liar.
Mickey heard someone fumbling with the door handle, so he rolled over and pretended to sleep, hopefully putting off the inevitable conversation with his bosses. "Damn, that was close.” The voice was quiet, but Mickey grinned when he heard it.
Mickey rolled over to see Jon wearing his boxers from the day before. He was standing there with two cups of coffee and a bright smile on his handsome face. He handed the mugs to Mickey and whisked off the shorts before he climbed over Mickey and under the covers.
"What was close?" A tear of gratitude slid from the corner of Mickey’s eye at the fact Jon was still there. He handed a mug to Jon, hoping he could surreptitiously wipe it away.
"Matt seems to have the nose of a… Wait, are you okay?" Jon obviously noticed Mickey wasn't one for smooth moves.
"I'm fine. My eyes always water in the mornin'. I think it's allergies.” It was a lame-ass lie.
Jon took his chin in hand and looked deeply into Mickey’s green eyes. "That's bullshit. Don't lie to me, cowboy. You thought I’d left, didn't you?"
Mickey felt ashamed for his lack of faith, but history had proven it wasn't out of the realm of possibility. "Yeah, I did. I'm sorry, Jonny, but I'm so relieved you didn't disappear again."
Jon leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on Mickey’s lips. "I know I have a lot to prove, Mickey, but I swear, I'm done with the running thing, okay? I do, however, need to go home this evening because my assistant, Karen, sent me a text that I’ve got a meeting with a judge in the morning at eight. I hate the idea, but I'm hoping maybe we can spend the day together. I'll help you with whatever it is you need to do as far as chores. I just want to be with you.” Jon softly kissed him again.
Mickey took both cups of coffee and placed them on the nightstand before he grabbed a condom and the lube. "I think I know a better wake up than coffee. It's still a little hot anyway.” Mickey squeezed a glop of lube onto his fingers, reaching back to prepare himself.
He truly wanted that huge cock inside him because he wanted to feel the lawyer after the man left. It was a tangible way to remember it really happened. It wasn't a dream.
After many hungry kisses and fingers—one, two, three, and four—Mickey pulled his knees up to his shoulders and smiled at the man above him with the bright, sage-green eyes and the beautiful smile. "Ready when you are, darlin’.” His eyes didn’t leave Jon’s as the man whisked on the condom.
He leaned forward and kissed Mickey as he settled the engorged crown of his thick member at Mickey’s entrance. The initial breach stung, but the kisses and the soft moans took Mickey's mind off the burn until Jon was finally seated completely inside him, which wasn’t a small feat.