The blow scarcely phases the brute who continues his charging attack. I watch in shock as his clawed hand rakes across my chest plate. The overwhelming force sends me tumbling to my right side, causing my vision to blur. I spring back up to my feetas quickly as I can. The Klendathian smiles, twistedly taking his time as he slowly stalks towards me.
Glancing down at my golden chest plate, four large etched scrapes can be seen. Thankfully, the armor withstood his razor-sharp claws, but how much could it endure? I pivot to my right, ensuring the wall is no longer at my back. Rylar told me to keep my foes at long range because of my size disadvantage. That speed and agility are my best defense.
As he comes within range, I let out a quick flurry of snake-like jabs with my spear; he dodges a few but others find purchase denting and cutting more holes into his armor; he roars in defiance, charging recklessly. Swiftly sidestepping, I dart right in a blur of movement, retaliating with a powerful thrust into his midsection.
A satisfying grunt escapes the lips of the black-haired Prospect as my spear punches through the armor on his midriff, finding purchase within. Compared to Rylar’s methodical and skillful attacks, this warrior relied solely on brute force, all his training lost in his blood frenzy. The thought of victory blooms within me.I can win, I can beat him!
I watch with intent, waiting for him to make another rash attack so I can counter. Eventually, he will succumb to his wounds if I can keep him at bay. Side stepping from left to right, I goad my opponent with lightning-fast flickering spear strikes.
Green blood pools at his feet, flowing like tiny streams from the plentiful holes in his armor, yet despite his brutal wounds, his green eyes still mist in rage. Hot air evaporates with each labored breath as he charges forward at surprising speed. Just in time, I react by leveraging the butt of my spear against my foot like Rylar had taught me.
The shrieking sound of metal puncturing metal rings through the air as the force of this huge warrior impaling himself upon the end of my spear causes a grunt to escape my lips. I dropthe weapon, unable to hold it as the Klendathian slumps to the ground onto his knees, motionless.
The spear juts out, all three prongs embedded into the chest of the Prospect. I breathe a sigh of relief at having survived the encounter as I approach, wiggling my weapon loose. My heart leaps out of my chest as the warrior springs up, slashing with his claws. A searing pain rakes across my cheek as I’m unable to dodge in time.
Ignoring the blood flowing down my face, I discard my spear, reaching for my knife at my waist as the warrior wraps me in a bear hug. A scream escapes my lips as the crushing pressure of his incredible strength pushes my armored plates into my flesh. He laughs manically into my face, the metallic smell of blood hanging heavy in the air.
With horror, he opens his mouth, revealing two massive fangs. He moves to bite into my face as he continues applying more pressure in a murderous embrace. It’s all I can do to twist and bend my body and neck, avoiding his lethal jaws as best I can. Struggling to breathe, I feel my vision darkening, the pressure on my lungs depriving me of air.
I squirm and struggle with all my might. For a split second, I create enough space to slip my arm with the knife out over his locked arms. I try stabbing against his back, but the blade scrapes harmlessly off his armor. Panicking, I frantically stab and stab, hoping to find purchase somewhere, anywhere.The blade is too long!My vision darkens, the life being squeezed from me.
In desperation, I try different stabbing angles until, finally, instead of feeling the blade glance off the metal, it embeds into something softer. With a screaming mania I never knew I possessed, I repeatedly stab the same spot. Lost in rage, I don’t notice that the Prospect’s hold is already loosened as I continue plunging my blade into his neck, green blood spurting all overthe gruesome scene. His green eyes stare up lifelessly, still with a twisted grin etched, frozen forever in time.
Eventually, after what seems like hours, I drop my knife before falling to my knees. Tears flow from my eyes, the salty droplets sting my wounded cheek.
He nearly killed me!
A tumultuous mix of emotions overtakes me—sobbing, heaving breaths.How can I survive in such a brutal world as this?This Proving feels less like a trial and more like a battle against malevolent demons made flesh.
After a few moments, I catch my breath. The adrenaline in my system subsides, replaced by the stinging pain in my cheek. Examining the wound reveals four large gashes cut into my cheek, leaving my fingers stained with blood. The pain reminds me I’m still alive and I have to get moving.The smell of death will attract the lurking predators.
I quickly shuffle through my bag, picking out the bandages. Using my knife to cut off four thin stripes of material, I dip them into the remaining glowing green liquid before pressing the sticky bandages against the gashes on my face. Initially, it stings, but a little pain is better than risking an infection in this wilderness.
Eager to be away from the gruesome scene I helped create, I gather up my things before once again turning my attention to the white marble cliff face close by. I ascend the wall quickly, finding places for my feet and hands much easily in this rougher, more contoured stone. After less than an hour, my hand reaches over the lip of the cliff as I elegantly hoist myself up.
The wind on top of the cliff is stronger, prompting me to wrap my coat tightly around myself. A steep rocky hill with sparse red grass covers its peak, shrouded in misty clouds or fog. The lack of potential camouflage amplifies my anxiety, considering that hiding among the trees has proven to be my best defense.
I quickly traverse the rocky soil higher up the hill, moving carefully to not disturb the loose stones. The wind howls across the peak, its strength so great it causes me to pause and cower until it subsides. It carries with it the unmistakable scent of blood in the air, a scent I’ve recently become overly acquainted with.
Controlling my breath, I lower myself almost to a crawl, eager to move closer to the summit. Large upright obsidian stones litter the area, reminding me of Stonehenge.Is this an ancient meeting spot for the Klendathians?The sparkling black stones contrast beautifully amongst the natural white marble ground and rocks.
Colossal furred creatures lie strung out in a semicircle, causing me to pause, my pulse rising in a panic. At first, I believe them to be sleeping until I notice they lie motionless, not even breathing. Slowly I crawl forward, trying to use the sparse red grass as cover. I gasp, noticing the creatures are bloodied and torn venefexes.What the hell happened here?
The answer is soon revealed to me, as amongst the semicircle lies a bloodied, titanic avian creature. Unblinking, glassy celestial eyes stare off lifelessly. Its front legs are massive and powerful, with talons that look like they could grasp a mountain; its back legs are like paws. Breathlessly, I move closer, eager to learn more about the creature.
My eyes are drawn to its wings—feathered and majestic. I wonder when they’re extended, could they encompass the entire width of the peak? The head and neck of the beast are decorated with a pure white flowing mane, a mix of fur and feathers. The underside of the beast is covered in shimmering scales, a blend of dark blues and purples.
Xandor nor Rylar had ever mentioned a creature such as this.Maybe they are extremely rare?Quietly, I examine the brutal scene that paints a picture of the avian creature’s last standagainst a pack of a dozen venefexes. Many gouges and gashes litter the bodies of the dead creatures. It must have been a furious battle between giants.
I continue slowly, exploring past the scene of carnage, hoping the undisturbed avian creature’s remains means there are no more venefexes stalking the area. As I move closer to my destination, not far behind the corpse, I spot a raised enclosure made up of gigantic leaves, branches, and other random debris, nestled between a ring of huge obsidian stones. It resembles a bird’s nest.If the bird was the size of a cruise ship.
Carefully, I step into the raised nest, my curiosity getting the better of me. The twigs crunch under my feet, but the structure feels surprisingly sturdy.
I gasp, noticing underfoot the crunching sound is actually the sound of bones snapping. The whole nest is littered with the strange remains of many creatures. Some large, some small, some so old they almost turn to dust, others still draped with skin or fur. The huge nest is a grisly sight.
I move closer to the center, casting my eyes around, looking for—anything useful. Littered amongst the bones are the unmistakable remains of Klendathian’s bones encased in moldy armor.Proving Prospects carried away by this monstrous creature.The thought is terrifying to contemplate.