The hours spent practicing wall climbing are proving invaluable now. What once felt insurmountable is now a mere chore. The strange calls of the wildlife give me pause, my heart skipping beats with each unfamiliar sound. I’m never certain if an arrohawk might suddenly descend, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end.

Nevertheless, I persist, scaling for hours as the sun sinks, casting elongated shadows across the plains below. Once I reach the summit, finding shelter for the night will be an immediate priority. Undoubtedly, other venefexes could be lurking nearby, and climbing out of their reach remains the safest option.

My forearms and back ache from the relentless ascent. As I enter the dense fog encasing the summit, the atmosphere becomes like a cloud, the chilly dampness clinging to my face, a stark contrast to the sticky sweat cascading down my forehead. Relief floods over me when my hand finally grasps the edge of the cliff face.

Hauling myself over the ledge, I’m met with a sight of more forest ahead, with cliffs and hills looming distantly. Disappointment washes over me as the temple remains out of sight.

How much more of this can I endure?

With a weary body and mind, I carefully seek out a suitable tree for respite. Swiftly, I climb up the tree and set up my tent for the night, succumbing to sleep almost instantly.

Maybe tomorrow will be easier.

Chapter 20



Iawake from adeep sleep, stretching my legs and arms, trying fruitlessly to alleviate the dull ache in my back and arms.Can I hold it together long enough to reach the temple? I quickly scarf down the last of the boracks milk and food bar, eager to be on my way to finish this hellish trial.

Exiting the tent, I’m greeted by a clear sky and gentle breeze caressing my face. The view from the treetop, perched on the cliff, is breathtaking. The expansive sea of red grass undulates in the wind, flanked by the colossal trees of Draxxi. It feels as though I’m observing the world from inside a cloud.

Everything is so peaceful from a distance. It’s when you’re in the midst of it, the real horrors reveal themselves.How many venefexes are out there stalking right now?The thought doeslittle to settle my nerves, but I vow to be extra vigilant for the dangerous beasts.

I leap down the branches to descend the tree. Checking my compass, I follow the needle north once again. I’m surrounded by the impossibly large red trees which by now feel like a familiar friend, offering support and cover as I dart quickly amongst them.

To the left, there’s a steep drop off a rock face and looming ahead in the distance is more mountainous terrain. Perhaps it’s not as tall as the wall I faced yesterday, but I can only hope that the next cliff I scale will reveal the temple in the distance.

Continuing northward, a terrifying roar in the distance churns my stomach. Instinctively, I take refuge on nearby tree branches, scanning my surroundings for the threat.

I keep motionless, hardly daring to breathe. After a short time, I spy movement among the red bushes. I can’t contain a gasp as a red-brown furred venefex prowls through the shrubs, its massive head scanning for prey.

Contemplating and waiting until it passes, I notice the dense trees creating a makeshift bridge of branches. I stay among the trees, which brings me a sense of relief, since venefexes can’t climb this high and the wind is working in my favor. Carefully, I navigate the branches, keeping a watchful eye on the stalking beast below.

It’s not long until I’ve put the venefex behind me. The sound of a twig snapping causes me to freeze, my eyes glancing frantically at the source of the sound. Down amongst the foliage, another hunter stalks, the square faced black-haired Prospect. I throw myself prone against the branch, trying to control my rapid breathing.Did he see me?I remain deathly still, waiting.

His cautious steps suggest he’s in no rush to find me. Heart racing, I peek over the branch to see the black-hairedKlendathian wielding wicked axes, heading toward where I left the venefex.

Quietly shifting to the other side of the branch, I take a cut of hydralith meat from my bag.I pray this crazy idea works!Hoping the venefex is nearby, I take a deep breath. Trying to settle my nerves, I toss the meat in his direction, emitting a loud whistle before vanishing.

The monotonous voice of the Prospect follows the sound of rustling leaves. “Is this some kind of prank?” he asks, his voice echoing off the colossal trees.

I’m already moving high amongst the branches, cursing myself for even attempting the silly idea, until the spine-tingling roar of a venefex nearly stops me dead in my tracks. What follows is a cacophony of roars and sickening shouts in the distance. I leave the horrible scene in a hurry, hoping the two monsters kill each other.

It’s not long before my bridge of branches ends abruptly, forcing me once more onto the dangerous ground. The trees grow sparser as I push northward.I wish I had more cover.A spiraling cliff looms, with its marble white face less steep, marked with ridges of red grass. An hour or two passes until I stand beneath the spiraling cliff. With a deep breath, I look up, preparing myself for another long climb. My hands and feet easily find purchase. This cliff face has a lot more contours and edges than the black obsidian wall from yesterday.

As I climb, only a few feet off the ground, the force of a blow impacts my right shoulder. The shock of the force causes me to lose my grip, and I gasp in pain. My arms flail in panic as I hurtle towards the ground, just a short distance, thumping onto the ground.What the hell was that?I notice laying beside me is the black-haired warrior’s ax. Panicked realization replaces my confused surprise. Frantically, I leap to my feet, unfurling and clutching Xandor’s spear in my gasp.

The black-haired Klendathian marches towards me, closing the distance between us quickly. His armor is torn open at many points as green blood leaks from recent wounds. He moves laboriously, heavily injured from his battle with the venefex. I swallow nervously despite my throat feeling dry. As I glance back at the wall behind me, I contemplate trying to climb the cliff to escape, but there isn’t time. I have no choice but to stand and fight.

The blood rushes through my ears as my heart rate rises.Look at him! I can’t fight that!The Klendathian stands over seven feet tall, a towering giant, lean and strong too, like all the young warriors. I tighten my grip upon my three-pronged spear, trying to ignore my trembling hands, as I thrust the weapon out defensively before me.

“Thanks to you, I can feel again,” the square face Klendathian says, his face twisted in a grotesque bloodied smile. “Come, let us bathe in blood, and together we shall reach ecstasy.” His once monotonous voice, now twisted into a manic, unsettling tone, sends shivers down my spine.

Without warning, he leaps forward, his claws extended, swiping wildly at me. I instinctively leap backward, narrowly avoiding his vicious grasp, my back pressing against the cliff face. Adrenaline surges within me, my breathing quickening as I prepare to… do something.But what?!

He charges, his eyes ablaze with murderous glee. With nowhere to flee, I thrust my spear in a quick blur toward his chest. His last-minute maneuver avoids the lethal strike, yet one prong grazes his armored shoulder, resulting in blue sparks and a metallic screech echoing off the cliff-face.