Xandor breathes in heavily, sprawling face first on the ground. “I’m not going to make it! Little human… Too strong.” He bursts into laughter.

“Fuck’s sake, Xandor, that’s not funny!” I say, feeling both relieved and the need to kick him as he rises to his feet.

Xandor dusts his brown fur and leather clothes down. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.” He winces as he rubs his stomach. “The armor definitely works. Your technique needs work, though, and as you get stronger, so too will the armor enhancements.” He gazes at me thoughtfully. “So, how does it feel?”

I marvel at the golden blur my fists create as I throw more test punches into the air. Each one feels incredibly light and astonishingly powerful. I pace back and forth in the bedroom, but walking feels oddly unbalanced. I’m not used yet to the extreme weightlessness, so I wobble a couple of times as I move around.

“It’s like I’m moving too fast for my brain to process or something. This will take some time getting used to, but it’ll definitely help!” I say, shooting a grateful smile at Xandor. “Thanks so much.”

He nods in agreement. “Good, but don’t wear it all the time. You need to strengthen your own body to get the most out of it.”

He reaches back into the bundle of furs he’s brought and spends a moment searching for something. “It’s a remarkable gift, Rocks. Might be the only one of its kind, so take care of it.”

Finally, he stops rummaging. “Ah, found it!” he exclaims before he hands me something.

A smile tugs at my lips as I realize I’m holding my old cell phone. I’d left it on the ship after the battery died, and without a way to charge it, I’d completely forgotten about it. When I power it on, the battery reads 100 percent. “This is amazing, thank you!” I exclaim, holding it aloft like a lost treasure, my face beaming.

Xandor chuckles. “Yet another gift from Krogoth. Felixus said he had trouble replacing the primitive battery, but our short friend managed it, enhancing it with a touch of Elerium. It should last for hundreds of years.”

My heart swells with gratitude as I see my parents’ picture on the screen. It’s comforting to have their faces back in my life and will be a much needed comfort for the craziness ahead. “Thank you for bringing these to me, and to Felixus for his hard work,” I say sincerely, giving Xandor a quick hug enhanced by my armor.

Xandor attempts to evade, but I’m too fast, as he stands stiff and awkward. “Um. He had his moments.” He laughs fondly.

Before I can inquire about what comes next, AHI’s voice breaks in. “Roxy. Class frequent guest seeks entry.” Who else is a frequent guest here?

“AHI. Display guest,” I command.

Immediately, the holographic display appears in the room, showing an armored Klendathian. A patch obscures his left eye. Long healed scars create a tangle on the left side of his face. I gasp when I notice he’s also missing an arm. I’ve seen many such injuries at Draxru spending time among the veterans, but I still find it shocking and sad to see the consequences of the wars so vividly.

Xandor asserts, “That’s Rylar.” He turns to me. “Good warrior, bit of a tight ass, but trustworthy.”

“AHI, grant him access,” I say. I’m not entirely comfortable having a stranger in my new bedroom, so I head towards the door, my golden armor softly clinking with each step. “Let’s talk in the dining room.”

Xandor looks at me with curiosity. “I never knew your name was Roxy?”

I chuckle, thinking back to Krogoth and the silly names he gives me. “My real name is Roxanne, but Krogoth keeps calling me Rocks, so it kind of stuck.”

Xandor grins. “If the High Chieftain says Rocks, then that’s the way it has to be.”

As we approach the front door, I can see Rylar waiting, his back straight and chin held high as if awaiting inspection. He’s slightly smaller than Xandor but has a more robust build.

“Hail, Rocks. Hail, Xandor,” he says with his gruff voice as he performs the formal Klendathian salute. He studies me up and down, a look of surprise creasing his brow. “Excellent, you are a warrior. Maybe there is hope for Krogoth.”

Xandor interjects, “She’s not a warrior yet, but soon she will be.”

I extend my hand towards Rylar, who looks momentarily puzzled. “It’s nice to meet you, Rylar.”

“You’re supposed to shake her hand,” Xandor teases, mischief in his eyes, as Rylar awkwardly grabs the top of my hand and begins yanking my arm forward and back.I need to stop offering handshakes to Klendathians.

“Good thing she didn’t use her left hand!” Xandor jokes, laughing.

I shoot Xandor a stern look, my blood simmering. “Xandor, that’s rude!” I exclaim, my gaze unwavering.

Xandor simply shrugs. “What? He can use a robotic replacement anytime he wants.”

Rylar chuckles dryly. “Never mind, Xandor. He bemoans the fact I’m still twice the warrior he is.”

Eager to move on from this awkwardness, I gesture towards the dining room, hoping they’ll both follow me in before coming to blows or something equally unhelpful.