I don’t care how unlikely it is that I will survive this Proving. If there’s the smallest chance, then I’ll take it, because a life without Krogoth is a pale reflection of the real thing.
A steely resolve begins to crystalize within me. I meet Xandor’s gaze with unwavering determination. “I appreciate your concern, Xandor, but I don’t care what you or Krogoth think. There’s no force in the universe that could make me abandon him. This is my decision to make, and I’m prepared to face the consequences. Now if we only have two weeks to get me ready, then we better start soon, because I will not rest until I get this Proving completed.”
For a fleeting instant, Xandor stands motionless, but then a sly grin creeps across his face. “That’s what I wanted to hear, Rocks!” He pats me on the back, his touch nearly toppling me over. “I tried my best to persuade you to follow Krogoth’s wishes and return to Earth,” Xandor leans in, whispering, “but secretly I was rooting for you to stay.”
Xandor rushes over to the fur bundle he had placed atop the drawer. “I have something for you that will help even the odds.”
He uncovers the furs to reveal something metal glistening in gold.
I’ll take all the help I can get.
Chapter 11
My breath catches asI take in the golden armor Xandor holds out before me. It’s beautiful. The metal is so polished it sparkles in the sunlight. There are thick plates for the legs, arms, shoulders, and chest. Links of some tightly bound metal material protect each of the gaps.
This looks similar to the armor that Tensin Naxsus’ champion wore. This one, however, has clearly been adjusted. It’s wider at the hips and the chest plate enlarged to accommodate ample breasts…Breasts! Is this for me?
I run my hand over the plates of gold, admiring the intricate details engraved on the edges of the armor. I look towards Xandor, barely able to speak with disbelief. “You’re giving this… to me?”
Xandor smiles. “No, not me.” He carefully hands me the armor with such ease that I underestimate its weight and I nearly topple over.
“Krogoth had Felixus adjust it to fit you. He told me of his plans to gift this to you after the Mortakin-Tok, but I think now is a better time,” Xandor explains as he grips my arm to steady me.
In my hands, I’m able to take a closer look at the armor. I notice the intricacy of the design. The plates are primarily separate pieces, expertly joined by a solid array of spinal plates that seem to be the core of the entire suit. Among these plates, a mysterious mechanism emits a gentle, green glow. I pry and poke to learn more.A power source of some kind?
“That’s the Elerium core,” Xandor says, as if in answer to my investigation. “This armor isn’t just any old arcweave plate. It’s Nu’warian exoenhancer armor, which is a fancy way of saying it’ll greatly enhance your speed and strength. The shields…”
He scratches his head, trying to recall. “What was it Short Stuff said? Something about graviton distortion.” He shrugs. “Anyway, it’ll protect you against most projectiles and energy weapons. Although it won’t help much if you’re being crushed to death by Krogoth.” He laughs.
I try to listen to Xandor while figuring out how to put it on. Awkwardly, I place my arms into the gauntlets, then puzzle out which greave fits which leg. I feel the burn of my cheeks, as I’m sure they are turning a light crimson with embarrassment, but I’m determined to figure this out.
When I align the spinal plate section onto my back, I gasp in shock as the armor comes to life with a series of sounds: compressed air being released, cords pulled tight and plates enveloping different parts of my body. The interlocking links coil and bind against me, fusing me and the armor into a single, solid unit. I’m left feeling like I’ve been squeezed into a can ofsardines.But I’ll take any discomfort if it gives me any help in saving Krogoth.
Xandor jerks forward, his arms outstretched. “You alright, Rocks?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just feel like a human burrito,” I reply, marveling at my now golden armored self.
“Felixus never mentioned it’d be automatic.” Xandor walks around me, poking and prodding at various places. “Wish my armor could do that. Looks good to go,” he announces, stepping back.
“Now what?” I ask, waving my hands slowly back and forth, which feel completely weightless.
“Hmm. Why don’t you try punching me here?” Xandor points to his gut with a sly smile.
“Are you sure about this?” I ask, moving awkwardly to stand in front of Xandor. My legs feel so light it’s hard to place them. It’s like walking with pins and needles in my legs.
“Give it your best shot, little human,” Xandor taunts.
I’ll show him a little human!
I plant my feet just like I’d learned in my Judo class, cocking my waist back to deliver maximum force. My body explodes into action as I twist my torso before extending the force through my arm and then into my fists. My strength feels incredible, my speed a blinding blur of motion. Even the air seems to whoosh as it’s displaced by my power.
Upon impact, I’m met with a jolt of force, but the golden armor dissipates most of the energy. To my surprise, Xandor collapses to the ground with a loud grunt of pain. “Gods, Rocks, I think you’ve killed me.”
I cover my mouth in shock. “Shit! Xandor, I’m sorry. I just did what you asked,” I reply, my heart racing, rushing to check on Xandor as he rolls on the ground in agony.