And I curse myself, too, for not being there with him. If only I hadn’t picked that stupid fight, if I’d held my tongue… Maybe he wouldn’t have left, and we could’ve faced this together. Founda way to escape Klendathor, to return to Earth side by side. I know it’s not what he would’ve wanted, but at least we’d still be together. Instead, his life is sacrificed, trying to save those who condemn him to death.

I curl up under the furs on the bed, my eyes red and raw from the weeping that seems never ending, my mind exhausted from the whirling emotions of sadness, hopelessness and despair crashing over me like waves threatening to pull me into a black void of emptiness. This universe is too cruel for someone like me. Just let me see him one more time. Please God, I’ll do anything to hold him one last time…

Exhausted, I succumb to a sleep filled with troubled dreams, each moment weighed down by the loss of Krogoth.

“Roxy. Class frequent guest seeks entry,” AHI’s voice pierces through a brief moment of slumber. The terrible realization of Krogoth’s loss comes crashing to the front of my thoughts once more.

“Do you permit entry?” it inquires.

“Who is it?” I croak, my voice hoarse, wiping away the dried tears from my swollen eyes. Judging by the light streaming through the bedroom window, I guess I’ve slept through the evening to the early hours of the morning. Are the elders here to take me away too? I would panic if I cared enough about what happened to me at this point.

“Class frequent guest. Please review the video stream for more information.” As AHI speaks, a holographic display lights up inthe middle of the bedroom, showing an impatient Xandor pacing back and forth at the front door, holding something.

I sit up on the edge of the bed with a monumental effort, ignoring my disheveled state. Xandor would have answers at least, and I needed answers. “Let him in.” I order.

“Rocks?” Xandor calls out. “Are you in here?” His voice grows louder as he gets closer to the bedroom. Moments later, he enters the room. “Ah, Rocks…” He pauses, his yellow eyes widened in shock as he studies me. “Gods, you already know?”

I nod in response while activating the message Krogoth had sent me on my wrist console, gesturing for him to read it, my emotions too tangled to articulate.

Xandor places the bundle of furs he’s holding on top of a drawer before he hurries over, kneeling near the bed to give me a hug. His giant form envelopes me with a gentle embrace, but I can’t feel anything, only numbness.

“I’m so sorry, Rocks…” he murmurs, breaking the embrace. “I’ll take you back to Earth when you’re ready.” He turns his attention to the holographic message.

Go back to Earth?Is that what I want to do?I haven’t thought about the future. What future was there for me now? The paths ahead are too bleak without Krogoth at my side.

“Rocks…” Xandor says, shifting nervously. “Krogoth’s message… It’s not entirely accurate.” His words snag my attention, hope sparking within me, as I’m desperate to learn more of Krogoth’s last words.

“Gods, he may never forgive me for this… But I can’t withhold the truth from you.” He looks at the ground, unable to meet my eyes.

“Xandor, please tell me,” I implore, clutching his massive hand. I search his eyes for any hint of what’s going on. “I just want the truth for some closure.”

“There is a way for Krogoth to stave off the execution. It’s under one condition.” He meets my gaze once more, his eyes full of concern.

My heart soars with hope.He’s alive and can be saved!

“Please, Xandor, I’ll do anything to save him,” I say, grasping his hand tighter, feeling hope restoring life to me once more.

“That’s what he’s afraid of.” Xandor heaves a weighty sigh. “The cowardly old traitors said they would release him unharmed if you, his bonded female, can complete the next Proving.”

Proving?“Okay… I remember Carndor mentioning the Proving once, something about an underground temple in the forest?” I ask eagerly. “Sure, it’ll be hard, but I think I can do it.”

“Rocks, this isn’t some leisurely stroll through the trees to Draxru!” Xandor exclaims. “It’s a test of survival, tracking for days through the deadliest terrain, evading terrifying beasts, while hunting for food and shelter. Even young Klendathian warriors who train their whole lives don’t come back.”

A surge of boldness courses through me, igniting my resolve. “What I’m I supposed to do? Just let Krogoth die?” I stand up defiantly in front of Xandor. “Aren’t you his friend? Don’t you want to help him?” My gaze pierces his, a fragile dam holding back a flood of tears.

Xandor averts his gaze. “I know how you feel. I’m still considering trying to break him out of Scarn. But he forbids the attempt.”

Xandor inhales deeply, gathering his strength. “Before they took him away, I spoke to him briefly. He told me he’d rather die than have you throw your life away attempting the Proving. That is his wish, Rocks.” His gaze locks onto mine, resolute and commanding.

I can’t leave Krogoth to die… can I? My mind is in turmoil trying to process all this. Is it really impossible for me to complete this Proving?

“What happens if I die during the Proving? Will they let him go?” I ask Xandor as I bite on my raw nails.

“If you die or cannot complete the next Proving that begins in two weeks, he will be executed.” Xandor’s words hang heavy in the air before placing his hands on my shoulders, their grip firm yet filled with desperation.

“Forget this madness, Rocks, if you try, you both die. But if you flee back to Earth, at least you get to live. He’ll rest easier knowing you’re safe.” The plea in his eyes reflects my own internal struggle.

Before I met Krogoth, I thought I was living, but it was only with him on this crazy journey through space and seemingly endless dangers did I know what it was to feel truly alive.