I hurry in the direction Xandor and I ventured earlier, praying that the dwindling light will guide me safely. Thoughts of Krogoth flood my mind, apprehension gnawing at me. Our earlier disagreement feels like a distant memory now, replaced by an overwhelming longing to be near him, to share the stories and experiences of my enchanting evening I’ve spent with his neighbors.
I realize I’m nibbling at my thumbnail. I really, really hope Krogoth is back home. That we can mend the rift between us. The prospect of seeing his smile again lifts my steps, urging me forward through the darkening forest.
I try my best trying to recall the route, but it’s difficult coming from the opposite direction. The light is fading quickly now and the massive red trees obscure what little sunlight is left.
I activate my wrist console, letting the blue holographic projection illuminate the path ahead. It provides some comfort.I must be getting close by now,I think, passing some of the strange houses nestled into trees that I recall passing earlier.
I’m not as nervous walking in the woods now, seeing how nonchalant Xandor and the other passersby had been. But maybe that’s because they are all over seven feet tall and have sharp claws to defend themselves… I choose to believe it’s safe, because if it’s not, I’m lit up like a cooked turkey wrapped in Christmas lights.
I breathe a sigh of relief when I reach the crest of a small mound that leads to Krogoth’s home. Rushing towards the door, I notice there are no lights emanating from the windows. My heart sinks, thinking he may not be back yet.Maybe he’s still angry with me and doesn’t plan on returning for a while? I’ve probably broken some honor code?I just want to talk to him and make everything right again.
Before I can knock on the door, it opens automatically, stepping into the darkened hallway. The cozy warmth envelops me, with a faint scent of Krogoth that reassures, a contrast to the evening chill from outside. “Krogoth?” My voice echoes in the hallway, and the sudden flood of light stings my eyes.
“Welcome home, Roxy. Do you require refreshment?” The robotic voice of AHI surprises me.
I ignore it and hurry to the bedroom to see if Krogoth has perhaps already gone to sleep. The room illuminates automatically as I enter. Noticing the bed furs are still in pristine condition, I let out a sigh of disappointment.
“AHI, has anyone been here since I left earlier?” I ask, hoping to gleam any clue.
“Roxy. Negative,” AHI replies. Its simple answer feels like a punch to my gut.
“AHI, do you have any idea where Krogoth is? I mean, owner number one?” My voice is laced with desperation. I don’t know what to do.
“Roxy. Negative. AHI does not process capabilities beyond this domicile,” AHI replies, its cold, robotic voice a contrast to my increasingly racing heartbeat.
This doesn’t feel right.Krogoth is not the type of guy who’d punish me by staying away for so long. Something has happened to him. I can sense it deep within my soul.
Blinking of my wrist console breaks my thoughts.It could be him!I activate the device and notice it’s a message from Krogoth. Relief washes over me as I eagerly open the display.
My Dearest Pebbles,
If you are reading these words, then I will soon rest with my ancestors, executed by the hands of the Council of Elders for my actions opposing the Scythians.
I know these words are hard to hear, my love. But I know you can bear it. I’ve seen your fierce strength, my beautiful sweet Pebbles. How I wish I could see your face one last time, to brush your soft hair, and feel your lips on mine once more. My heart aches, that our last words together were in disagreement. Had I but known then, I would have held you and never let you go.
I’m sorry for the pain I’ve caused you. Hurting you was never my intention, and I acknowledge that I’ve let you down. While I won’t say I regret bringing you from Earth, as it led to our precious time together, I know it may seem selfish and weak on my part. Our time, though brief, has been a precious treasure to me.
I will rest easier knowing you are safe. That’s why I’ve instructed both Xandor and Rylar, my old friends, to take care of you in my stead. Whether you choose to stay here on Klendathor or return to Earth, they will ensure you are looked after.
As the sun sets on our shared moments, I want you to know that I carry our love with me, a cherished memory that will forever light my path.
Farewell, my dearest Pebbles. May your days be filled with laughter and peace, and may you find another love that brings you nothing but joy and safety.
Know that I will always watch over you.
Yours forever in love, Krogoth.
This can’t be happening!
Frantically, I reread the message, my trembling fingers tracing over the holographic words. Tears stream down my cheeks, a torrent of sorrow and disbelief.
Oh god, my poor Krogoth.He would never let something like this happen. He’s always the one with a solution, a plan. I know he’ll find a way out of this, won’t he? I can’t fathom Krogoth submitting himself to anyone’s judgment.
But then why did he send the message?I study each line frantically, hoping to gleam some hidden meaning, some coded message to hint he might be ok. But there is none, only the harsh reality. How could this be the end? Krogoth, my strong and brilliant love, reduced to mere words on a screen.
My chest tightens, the weight of it all threatening to crush me. This can’t be his end, not after everything we fought for. It’s being ripped away from us… My body convulses with sobs, the pain too raw to contain.
I want to see him with my own eyes. They can’t just take him away from me like he never existed!The Council of Elders, those heartless bastards, have taken him from me! They’ve murdered my Krogoth! He only ever sought what was best for his people, and this is their response… to murder him.I curse them, a fire of rage burning within me. “If only I had the power to make them pay, to watch them suffer. I’d see each and every one of them dead!” I scream out in my anguish, in my anger.