“Leave it to me, Rocks. I’ve had dealings with the healer who oversees their use before,” Xandor assures me.
I try to imagine what feeling normal would be like again. No pain, no bloody blisters! I can barely remember. I grin, knowing that in a little while I’ll be feeling like a million bucks again.
As we make our way through the deep forest, my blistered feet protest with each step, sending waves of agony through me. A sudden pain jolt causes me to wince and stumble over another fallen branch.
“Easy, Xandor!” I gasp, my voice strained.
Xandor sighs impatiently. “This is taking too long,” he says before lifting me up with his powerful arms until I’m cradled in his arms. “If you’re going to bleat like a newborn, I might as well carry you like one,” he says with a laugh.
“Newborn!” I exclaim, taken by surprise by his words and the sudden change in perspective. “You have the manners of a newborn,” I pout, unable to think of something cleverer to say.
Instead of answering, Xandor breaks into a jog. I can feel the wind in my hair and see the trees whizzing past us at incredible speeds and I hold on a little tighter. I trust Xandor, but he’s not Krogoth and I don’t need to add to my injuries! Xandor reaches a comfortable pace and speeds through the forest. The sensation reminds me of the sprints I completed yesterday using my golden armor.
It’s not long before we arrive at Draxru, and I hear the hum of conversations as Xandor halts outside a wooden building on the outskirts of the giant statues that dominate the central area.Thehealing pods are in here?I take in the simple building. It doesn’t look very high tech. In fact, it looks similar to every other rustic structure which dots the area.
Inside, the contrast is striking. There’s no wood, only black marble-like surfaces like I saw aboard Krogoth’s ship. Along the back wall, a few healing pods stand, their doors open, and the other walls are adorned with benches, consoles, and strange-looking equipment used for who knows what.
A mature Klendathian man is seated behind an open desk in what looks like a reception area. He is wearing white robes and has a robotic replacement for both his right leg and arm. It takes a second for him to notice our arrival. He turns towards us, his green eyes frowning in disapproval at the sight of Xandor and I.
“Listen, Xandor, like I told you last time, no more healing for your hangovers or your drunken floozies,” the white-robed man says, rising from his chair.
“Shut up, Jarxius. This is an emergency. She’s at death’s door!” Xandor exclaims as he strides towards the healing pods.
“Not so fast!” Jarxius shouts, moving to block our path. “I’m not falling for that one again, Xandor. Let me see the patient.”
Panic causes my pulse to raise as Jarxius holds his wrist console out, the blue light shining upon me indicating he’s performing some kind of medical scan.He’s going to know we’re lying!
Jarxius sighs in frustration. “Come on, Xandor, there’s nothing wrong with her other than having the misfortune of being involved with a liar like you. Now please leave.”
Xandor’s face visibly darkens. “You dare call me a liar? I’m Second to the Clan Chieftain and—”
Worried that this confrontation might escalate into violence, or worse, I won’t get healed, I intervene. “Please, Jarxius, I need your help to heal so I can prepare for the Proving,” I plead, gazing sincerely.
Jarxius’ eyes widen in surprise. “Wait, are you Rocks? Chieftain Krogoth’s bonded mate?” he asks tentatively.
I nod in affirmation, feeling relief that maybe this will work after all.
“The Council of Elders’ judgment came through on everyone’s consoles. Heartless bastards have always had it in for our Chieftain and us,” Jarxius says as he looks to Xandor. “You give the word, Xandor, and we’ll pull Krogoth out of Scarn,” he says, his green eyes misting slightly.
I decide there and then I like Jarxius. He has the same fiery determination to save Krogoth that burns in me.
“It won’t come to that, assuming you heal Rocks. She will complete the Proving,” Xandor says, nodding towards the nearby healing pods.
“Of course, please set her inside,” Jarxius says as he moves to a nearby console.
Xandor gently lowers me into an egg-shaped pod and stands back to allow Jarxius to close the hatch before returning to his holographic terminal.
I watch with excited anticipation as the pod door closes, the space filling with a light green mist. I breathe it in deep gasps, remembering how good it felt last time. The weight of my aching muscles is already beginning to melt away. I feel like I’m floating on a cloud, weightless, with no worries, just a blissful feeling of peace. Astraxius mentioned how addictive the pods could be, and now I know why. I hear muffled voices outside the pod and try to make sense of what they are saying.
“I wasn’t lying. If Rocks wasn’t healed, she’d not be ready for the Proving, thus dying,” Xandor states as he impatiently paces around the room. Jarxius merely snorts in response.
The healing pod vapors make me giddy, but I resist the urge to laugh at Xandor’s silly justification. The soothing green mist fills my lungs and I feel like I’m in a deep, relaxed, dreamlikestate for a few minutes before I’m rudely brought to the present by the harsh ringing of a bell. I sigh wearily when the door of the healing pod springs open, releasing the glorious green gas into the room.
“Done. How do you feel?” Jarxius asks as he reaches out his bionic arm to help steady me as I get out of the pod.
Taking his large hand as he pulls me upright, I spend a moment flexing my hands and stretching my limbs. I marvel that there is no pain and I feel even stronger than before. My body has fully recovered from the training effect with Rylar.
“I feel amazing, Jarxius. Thank you so much.” I giddily hop over to Jarxius, giving him a quick hug, relieved the blisters have been cleansed from my feet.